Today is day 103 of Mandatory Quarantine

As of writing this report we have passed 100 days of quarantine. People here like to change the name in Spanish from “cuarentena” to “cuareterna”, basically saying that the quarantine seems “eternal”. We know that eventually this chapter will end and the Lord will open the doors to meet in person again.
“Thank you for the daily messages!”
We have been thankful to be able to send out a daily message by Whatsapp each day. Thankfully each month we are able to add more individuals to our list to receive a daily message. We don’t get feedback from everyone on the list, but there are three or four that regularly send back a message thanking us for sending out the messages. Like all things in our lives, we may not realize our full impact from our preaching until we are in glory. Pray for us as we continue to send out daily!
The children take turns bringing the nightly devotionals each week. Every night before bed we have a family devotional and prayer time.
Contemplating what life will be like after the quarantine
One of the first things that we will need to get taken care of after the quarantine lifts is renewing our visa paperwork. Please pray for us that all of this goes smoothly. While we don’t know what everything will be like after the quarantine lifts, we know that God has been at work throughout the quarantine and look forward to His plans going forward. The last that we heard from the government here was that the quarantine would extend at least until the middle of July as long as there are no more developments. We will take everything one day at a time.
Thoughts from Stacie
Hope of Beginning a New Normal: So far the number of Covid-19 cases here in Argentina have been very low and we’re beginning to see some hope of the quarantine ending. Many businesses have reopened this month and we have begun to see a little hope of a new normal.
Homeschool focus: One benefit to this time during quarantine is being able to focus fully on our children’s education without distractions.We would love to be able to interact more with the culture and become more involved in ministering together as a family and that will come again soon. But right now we can only focus on what God has currently in front of us. The children are growing and learning quickly.
Distance Parenting: It’s hard to have grown children what seems a whole world away from us. Joshua and Ruth are doing well but it’s easy as a parent to be a little concerned for them as we watch the news and see all the things happening back home in the United States. While I must focus on the children who are still at home, I find myself constantly thinking about our grown children as well. When you pray for us, please pray for our grown children also. We can’t be there with them but I know God is there and can watch over them better than I ever could.