June 2024

Immigration Temporary Visa… one more year

In 2021 we were supposed to receive our permanent residency visa here in Argentina. We were assured we could travel that year and return without any problems. However when we tried to return from furlough the Argentine government no longer had us in their system. So in 2022 we had to start the 3 year process all over again.We were hoping we could obtain our permanent residency this year but they told us we need to complete the temporary just one more year.  At least our temporary visa for this year was approved. The details are always in the Lord’s hands.  Please pray that all of our DNI (Identification) cards will arrive quickly.

Sunday Evening Bible study

Tuesday Morning Home Bible Study

We are so thankful that Luisa, pictured left, is feeling better. Please keep her and her family in prayer. She had been sick and bedridden for 15 days and it had been four weeks, due to her sickness, that we had not been able to meet with her. She was very excited to be feeling better and to have us come out.

Trouble in the neighborhood

Please pray for the neighborhood that Marcelo lives in, where we have been having a Wednesday night Bible study.  Last week, he told us Not to come out that night due to problems that were there on his street.  Apparently, police had come into the area to arrest some thieves and youth were throwing rocks at the police.  I really do not know the full extent of what is going on.  We are hoping to get back over there and are personally not afraid of the events, but also listen to the voice of wisdom in where I lead my family.  We have had a great study out there over the last ten weeks going verse by verse proving the deity of Christ from scripture.  (There are many Jehovah witnesses working the area.)

Ladies’ Retreat

Stacie had an opportunity to attend and bring a devotional at a Ladies’ Retreat. She is also planning to start a Ladies’ Bible Study soon to minister to some of the mothers she is friends with. It would be a great opportunity for her to get to know other women in the neighborhood as well.  There is so much more to share that space does not provide.  The Lord knows!  Keep praying!

Bonus Pictures

Scott was blessed to be able to repair Bibles for two brethren at Templo Bautista.

Stacie had a fun time with Joanna while the others were gone to the youth conference

June 2024