Classes have started back
Here in Argentina, our month of March corresponds with September in the US, when schools open again and people have come back from their vacations. For us, since we first arrived here, the month of March marked off several new chapters in our lives as well as opportunities for reaching out to people.
Spending time at the University of Cordoba
The city of Cordoba boasts of at least 8 major universities and half a million combined student population! The national university of Cordoba (Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, UNC) began in 1613 and averages about 180,000 students. It worked out that my son Jonathan and I had the opportunity to sign up to take some music classes at the university together! We have been enjoying time spent together as well as meeting several new people. Please pray that the Lord will guide our steps and our conversations with the teachers and students that we meet!
Teaching a New Testament Greek Class
For a couple of years now, brother Victor has asked me to teach a Greek class for their church seminary. It is a great blessing to have finally worked it into the schedule and begun. We are having the class on Tuesday nights and will be going from March to November. Please pray for the students, a few of them that have surrendered to preach and may be some of the future pastors here in Argentina!
I am here because of you!
“I am here because of you!”
This is what Juan told me as he hugged my neck after his baptism.
If you look back on the front page of January’s report, you will see a picture of him and his wife visiting our Sunday night service. His wife was baptized last year by brother Elinai (Missionary from Mexico) but for several reasons Juan was not ready at the time and they were still struggling in their marriage. When they visited us, we counseled them that they should follow the Lord together as a family and return and work out the problems and conflict. It is surprising when the advice that you give is followed! (Sadly, much pastoral marriage advice is not followed: “I know the Bible says, but…..”) They are not only together in their marriage but now active members together in one of the Lord’s churches! Continue to pray for them as well as the city of Malvinas where they live!