Possible New Bible Study Location!

One of the blessings this month was making contact with a new family that desires to have a church in their town. They live in a city called Malvinas Argentinas. (Not the actual islands, just named after them.) Their city has a population of about 12,000 to 15,000 people. I counted 20 places in that town that had a church sign out front. The majority of these were either charismatic/prosperity gospel or Catholic. The remaining three were a Methodist, an Adventist and a Mormon. We had planned having a first meeting with them on the last Wednesday of the month. There was a complication on their end and so we rescheduled our first Bible study with them for the Sunday after. They were not able to keep that appointment either as they faced a family emergency requiring them to travel to another town several hours away.
Whenever the Lord is working you can be assured that the devil is working hard as well to put up obstacles in the pathway! Please pray for this family as they resolve the situation they are faced with and that the Lord gives us wisdom and understanding as we continue to reach out to them and their neighborhood.
New Semester Teaching in the Homeschool Co-op

One of the things that we started back this month was teaching in the homeschool cooperative. After the pandemic there was a great increase in homeschooling in Argentina. It is a great opportunity to have a part in the lives of several kids and their families. This semester I am teaching a chess class to the middle and high school age students. As we are free to talk about our faith in our classes, chess provides a great springboard to talk about life and the decisions that we make in life and their consequences. My wife is teaching a sewing class to kids ranging from 4-9 years old. In her class I am assisting her with “crowd control” as she has 12 very energetic kids in it!
A New Gospel Tract Printed!

Many times I have repeat conversations with people. Many times I have already given them a gospel booklet or other tract or flyer. As a result, the Lord has put on my heart to constantly write or translate and prepare new material so that I always have something new to put in peoples’s hands. This tract encourages skeptics who have never read the Bible to come to know the God of the Bible! On the back of the tract is a QR code that has a link where they can download a Bible for their phone to examine the evidence of God’s Word!
Thankful to Have a New Deep Throat Stapler!

One of the office items that I have wanted to acquire for a long time is a deep throat stapler that allows us to staple larger items like tracts, booklets and magazines. This new stapler will allow us to staple up to 12” inside of a paper. It was quite an adventure simply buying this tool as it does not seem to be common at stores and the wholesale store that did have it did not want to sell it to an individual. Thankfully I was able to finally purchase one for the Lord’s use creating resources that we can use!
Thoughts from Stacie

Ladies’ Retreat
The Ladies at Templo Bautista invited me to join them for a Ladies Retreat in Valle Hermoso (Beautiful Valley). There were about twenty to thirty ladies that went to the retreat. We met at the church and I drove 5 of the ladies in our car. It was quite an adventure driving behind another car and listening to ladies giving instructions in Spanish the whole way. I really enjoyed the opportunity to make some new friends and to get to know the ladies better.
The theme of the retreat was Hebrews 12:1-3, “Putting Our Eyes on Jesus.” I had some good conversations with several of the Ladies who asked me all sorts of questions about home and family. There were some fun games and a craft time. It felt good to see progress in my Spanish being able to understand and to be understood. It still can be overwhelming at times but any opportunity to immerse in the language helps towards our progress.

Band Recital and Violin Concert

The older children had another band recital this month. The younger two girls and I also had a bigger violin concert in August. Everyone is making good progress in music. I’m really excited to see them learning and growing with music and their desire to use their talents for the Lord.

Invited to Participate in Song Services
Templo Bautista invited our family to participate in the song service at their church. They have choir practice on Saturday evenings. Scott, Hannah, and Jonathan have enjoyed being able to participate. As the younger children continue to learn and progress in their music they will be able to join in the services as well.

Celebrating Scott’s Birthday
Scott’s Birthday falls on August 30th. His birthday was the only one that didn’t fall during our furlough in the States. He is avoiding sugar so Hannah made him a fancy berry pie with no added sugar for his birthday. With all the activities we weren’t able to get away for his Birthday but we still had a good time celebrating his day .