November 2021 Report

Our passports were finished early

Thank you so much for the prayers last month about us getting our passports back on time.  All of the kids had to have their passports renewed during our short time back in the US.  The passports were all finished and came back to us almost two months earlier than they estimated!  Again thank you for your prayers!

Three Great State Meetings

One of the things that was such a great blessing to us was getting to be present for the Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas state meetings.  It felt surreal this month getting to see so many individuals that we love so much! We felt  several times that reuniting with so many friends at the  association meetiis a very small taste of what the glad reunion day in Heaven will be like when we get to reunite with our friends and loved ones that we haven’t seen in so many years.

Happy Thanksgiving

We also had a wonderful time with Stacie’s family. It’s been several years since Stacie’s whole family were all together for Thanksgiving. Not only were we able to spend time with all 7 of our own children at Stacie’s parents but also her brother’s and sister’s families came in to have Thanksgiving Dinner with us as well.

Thoughts from Stacie

Trip Down Memory Lane
We have been so many places this month as we attended three different State meetings. In between meetings we tried to throw in a few fun things as well. One of the activities we were able to attend was the annual Heritage Syrup Festival in Henderson, Texas. I have wonderful memories of attending the Syrup Festival as a child and it was fun to share those experiences with our children. Joanna was a little nervous about riding the carousel at the Henderson Depot Museum until she found out that I rode that same carousel when I was a little girl. It’s fun to relive those childhood memories through the eyes of our children.

Silver Anniversary
Scott and I were married on Thanksgiving Day, November 28, 1996. This year our 25th Anniversary was on a Sunday and we were honored to be guests at Longbranch Missionary Baptist Church where Dr. Ray O. Brooks still pastors at almost 99 years old. We truly enjoyed visiting with them.

That evening we headed northward to visit Scott’s family up in Michigan. That also became a trip down memory lane as 25 years ago we went North for our honeymoon. We reminisced over all the places we stopped at along the way. It was kind of fitting to start the month in the town where I grew up and end it where Scott grew up.

Bonus Pictures

Above: Elijah dreams of being a fire fighter. He enjoyed meeting a fire fighter at the Heritage Syrup Festival in Henderson, Tx. 
A special thank you to Jeremiah Mattingly for letting us ride in his 1927 Model T Ford truck!
November 2021

October 2021 Report

Mission Conference and Marriage Conference

At the beginning of the month we were able to attend MTM, (Missionary Training Ministry) in Mountain View, Arkansas.  This ministry is a great blessing to all missionaries and sending churches. 

Later in the month my wife and I were able to attend the Homebuilder marriage retreat.  This is something that we wanted to do for years but were not able to do before.  It was a great weekend to spend together away from the kids for a few days.  The kids had a lot of fun with their grandparents while we were away.

Passports Sent off for Renewal

One of the things that was on our list to finish early was the renewal of the kids’ passports.  Passports for children are only good for 5 years.  The renewal process takes between 16 and 12 weeks to renew and have back.  That is one more thing that we can cross off our list!

Oklahoma State Meeting and Time with the Churches

We were able to attend the Oklahoma state association meeting held in Vian, OK.  It was a great blessing to be able to reconnect with so many brethren that we had not seen in so long!  We are also thankful for the opportunities this month to share and fellowship with several chuches in the area!

Thoughts from Stacie

Family Time
I’ve been having a hard time keeping up with what day it is. Time is passing so quickly. Some of the plans we had for October got moved on us. While I hate to mention the “C” word, but one person at a meeting we attended early in the month had gotten sick and tested positive for Covid. So we had to change some of our travel plans just in case we had gotten too close to that individual during the meeting. Thankfully none of us got sick and we were able to enjoy the extra time with our oldest two children. Joshua and Ruth both had a day off at the same time so we were able to plan a family field trip to a Heritage Village and the Zoo. It was such a blessing to have all our children together. We also enjoyed having one Sunday that we were able to attend Church altogether as a family.

Weekend Get Away It has been at least 4 and a half years since Scott and I have been able to spend more than just a few hours together away from our children. In Argentina we weren’t comfortable leaving them all overnight much less for a weekend. So we took advantage while on furlough of having family nearby to watch our children while we got away for a much needed alone time as as a couple. The retreat really helped us step away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and take a good look at our marriage and family. The end of November Scott and I will be celebrating our 25th Anniversary. I can’t think of any better way to celebrate than spending quality time together at a marriage retreat in Branson.

Bonus Pictures

October 2021

September 2021 Report

We made it safely back to the US!
Thank You for Praying!

We are very thankful for your prayers as we travelled!  We would not have made it had it not been for God’s people praying!

A Large To-Do List

We have already crossed of at least 11 important things off our list in the first week and a half of being back.  Pray for us that we will be able to find a time to rest. 

Faith Promise Conference and a Great Conversation

It was a great blessing to be invited out to West Monroe, Louisiana by Hyde Park Baptist Church for their faith promise conference.  The whole time spent there was a tremendous blessing to us.  What a blessing to have a time to be with God’s people! 

Please pray for a lady that we spoke with on our last night in West Monroe.  We were recommended a Mexican restaurant in town to eat on Sunday night.  We spoke with the waitress in Spanish and later had the opportunity to speak with the owner for at least ten minutes after our meal.  Please pray for her and her family!  Her name is Norma and her mother’s name is Rosa.  Her mother and father are in Mexico with COVID.  The concern for them was evident as we spoke.  Pray that the Lord will continue to touch her heart with the need for the Savior!

1,000 Gospel of John booklets printed

Thoughts from Stacie

Travel Preparations

So a lot actually happened in September but it feels like multiple months. Actually just the trip itself and all the airports we had to go through felt like it belongs in it’s own month but there really was a whole lot that went on besides that. The first thing we had to do was prepare to go. At the beginning of the month we had to make sure all bills we normally pay monthly were paid ahead for six months. Then we started going through our things and deciding what we were going to take and what we would leave behind. Once we had our belongings somewhat organized we then had to pull out and dust off all our suitcases from the different areas of the house where we had them stored for safe keeping. 

Then we had to determine which instruments we were going to bring and which we would leave behind. Then we had to figure out how to pack the instruments. We waited to pack the rest of our things until the Friday we had our Covid Tests done. That in itself was a fun experience. (I don’t have room in this report for all the experiences we went through to get to the United States. That will have to wait for a blog post… or two… or three.)

Covid Tests

An Argentine friend of ours that was about to travel to Europe around the same time we were recommended her friend to us that could do our required Covid Tests and get our results back the same day. They were expensive but worth the speed we were able to get the results back in. The younger three children had their throat swabbed but the rest of us had the ones that go in the nose. That was quite an experience but praise the Lord, all tests came back negative and we finally felt free to finish packing.

Crazy Travel Drama

So I’m going to have to do a blog post of all the crazy stuff that happened in order for us to leave Argentina. Getting to the first airport with all our luggage and children was quite an event. It took a trip by car to get our luggage and half the family to the airport. Then being held up at a traffic checkpoint, finally getting released with just a warning, and finally parking the car, picking up the two remaining children, and a crazy taxi ride to the airport. Then we had to fly to Buenos Aires, Argentina get off the plane, retrieve all our suitcases, find transportation to the next airport for our departure flight (Another long story in which one taxi driver almost dropped me and three children off at a Holiday Inn.) 

Once we finally got to the airport there was a whole lot of things we had to do just to leave the country but to spare the details and make a long story short… We barely made our flight by the skin of our teeth. I was the last passenger to board the plane with flight personel running with me with a two way radio saying they are with the last passenger. It was such a relief to finally be on board that plane. There was a couple of other things that occurred during the flight but I will save that for a future blog post. 

We arrived in Houston and had no problem catching our final flight to Dallas. My parents and our daughter, Ruth, met us at the airport. We were also surprised by Bro. Chase Reynolds and Bro. Jonathon Smith greeting us with a basket of goodies and they were there to help Scott retrieve and load our luggage into the van my parents brought to pick us up. Of course a crazy trip wouldn’t be complete without a tire blowing out on our way to my parents’ house from the airport. 

We did finally made it to my parents’ house in Hillsboro and were so happy to spend a few days with our eldest son and daughter and even getting to see my brother’s and sister’s families before we headed off to the Missions Conference in West Monroe, Lousiana. God is good and we praise Him for helping us make it safely to see our family and friends.

Thank you so much for praying or us! God hears and answers each and every one.

August 2021 Report

Tickets Purchased

We are very thankful to have our tickets purchased for returning to the US for our first furlough.  

There are three main focuses that we plan on accomplishing during our time in the US is to:  

1.  See family that we have not seen in a long time.  

2.  Take care of the business end that is behind the scenes, such as renewing passports, drivers licences and many etceteras following.  

3.  Visit with as many of the churches as possible that have been holding us up in prayer during our first term.  

We plan on arriving in the the US on the 20th of September and returning to Cordoba on the 16th of February.  

(Interesting trivia side note:  It was on February 16th of 1992 that I accepted the Lord and was saved!)

Gospel of John booklets sent off to be printed

This is a project that we have worked on and tweaked and re-edited several times during the last couple of years.  At the time of this report we have worked back and forth performing minor layout edits and are waiting for the final product to come back to us.  When the books are finished we will have 1000 copies in this first printing.  We are very excited about the possibilities of having them in our hands to be able to use.  They will be a wonderful blessing!

“Nobody is doing this!”

Most people prepare a book to be printed in order to sell it.  When the printer brought me a sample copy of the “Gospel of John” booklet, he told me how impressed he was with not only the completeness of the content of the book but the fact that we are planning on giving this work away for free.  He told me, “none of the other groups are doing anything like this.”  People are many times unaccustomed to something of value being freely offered without any personal ulterior motive.  Our motive is that people come to know Jesus as Savior and to begin to walk with Him in a life of discipleship.

A Lot to Get Finished Up Before Flying Out

We have been busy getting preparations arranged for both leaving the field for 5 months as well as planning our time there.   We are thankful for a landlord who is very flexible in allowing us to pay our rent and many expenses in advance and to keep an eye on things for us while we will be gone.  We will be continuing our language classes and the kids’ violin classes by Zoom while we are in the US.  It will be very important for us to maintain contact with individuals here in Argentina while we are away so as to not go backwards too much during our absence from the place.  We are planning to keep our podcast audio messages going out on the normal schedule while we are on furlough.  The idea of being back in the US for only 5 months and getting all accomplished that we are planning feels daunting to say the least, but we have a great big God that daily strengthens us with His presence.

“My mother is blind. I will share your audio messages with her.”

This is what the friendly delivery driver told me after I handed him one of our flyers and shared a little about Jesus.  He got really excited that we had so much available to scan and listen to.   He explained to me that his mother was blind and liked listening to messages.  He also told me that they were Jehovah Witnesses.  Please pray for them that they may hear the truth and believe.  Here in Argentina we have met several people who affiliated as a Jehovah Witness that had no idea what their church taught.  Once a Jehovah Witness had knocked on my door and argued with me saying that he believed that Jesus was God in the flesh and that he was sure that they didn’t teach otherwise.

“I really like the flyer that you gave me.”

One day last week, my daughter and I went to a shop downtown that I had not been to in a few months.  The man that works there had mentioned to me that gone through some of the messages that were on the flyer.  Please pray for the salvation of people to whom we are speaking.  Many times we will share the message with people around us and not know whether or not we are making an impact.  Keep faithful in your part of the world sharing the most important message that has ever been written!

Thoughts from Stacie

It’s hard to know how to prepare for future events as plans can change so quickly. I didn’t want to get my hopes up about our first furlough. It almost looked like we might not be able to go on furlough this year. We’ve lived here in Argentina three years and we really need to come back and see our family. We were advised to go ahead and get our tickets. If we wait for a “perfect” time to travel it may never come. Then again it could even get worse. Now that we have our tickets we are able to focus on getting ready to travel.

It’s surreal to think that in only a few weeks we will be back in the United States. Pray for us as we will need to stay healthy and all 7 of us need to pass the Covid Tests in order to fly out.

Homeschooling and Flexible Schedule

One advantage we have for travel and ministry is Homeschool flexibility. We are able to travel really any time of the year and not have to worry about the kids missing school because we can homeschool anywhere any time. Our children have grown so much in the past three years. We are looking forward to picking them up some more curriculum that we will be able to use during our second term.

The only classes we will be missing will be the older children’s band classes but we will be returning to Argentina at the perfect time for the children to start band again in the new year. We will also miss the Homeschool Co-op that we were helping with but we’ll be starting a new year and semester of the co-op after our return. We’re really only missing a couple of months before the Argentine summer break begins.

Difference in Seasons
In August we had some really cold days of Winter and a few warm days. It’s hard to adjust to sudden temperature changes. Probably one of the crazy things we’re trying to anticipate is that we will be leaving Argentina in the Spring and arriving in the United States in the Fall all within a 24 hour period. Then in February we’ll be doing the same thing. We’ll be leaving the United States towards the end of winter and arriving in Argentina the end of Summer. Please pray for us as we really won’t have a lot of time for our bodies to adjust before we jump into another change.

Bonus Pictures

July 2021 Report

So much to write about! God is so good!

A hot cup of coffee on a cold day

Sharing the message of the Lord many times begins with simple actions and gestures.  One of the people on our list that gets our podcast messages is the water man.  Each week he deliveres water to our door and has been receiving our audio messages since June last year.  We always have a few moments to talk.  One freezing day this month, when answering the door, I presented him a hot fresh cup of coffee.  Please pray for him and his family.

First time to be able to drive outside of the city

After about a 10 month wait, we were able to get our papers for our car in 3 days! We were able to leave out of town for a couple of days and visit the countryside.  The kids had such a fun time being able to do simple things like throwing a ball in the yard and playing in the dirt.  We had an opportunity to share the gospel with the owner of the the AirBnB where we were staying. Please pray for him!  He considers himself as a modern Argentine, meaning that he sees a relationship with God as something from his grandparents’ generation. 

He did tell me that he suspected that there is more to having a relationship with God as he once had somebody working for him that had a bad drug addiction but broke the addiction after coming to Christ.  He was receptive to receiving the podcast messages each week.  Please pray that God will use one of the messages to help him to know the Lord!

Travel Fund has been provided

We received a couple of special offerings this month that helped us reach the goal we set for being able to go on furlough. Please pray for us as we are looking at dates and pricing tickets for our trip back to the US.

A month of immigration meetings

Here in Argentina there is a two week winter break in the middle of July. The government lifted the quarantine just in time for people take their vacations. Before we left the city Stacie and I stopped by immigrations again and were told to come back the following week. So after got back from our trip, we went back the following week and were told to come back with all our children two days later. That led to a whole afternoon with them still stuck on one part of our paperwork. They needed to close so they then told us they will email on Friday to let us know what we need to do.

Immigration papers hand delivered to our Door!

The next day after spending all Thursday afternoon at immigrations someone came to our door. We were surprised to see the lady that was working on our case the day before. She had brought our papers to us. We were so suprised. She really didn’t explain what had happened but the papers say “Permanent resident” on them so it looks like we have recieved the status and are now just waiting to receive our ID cards.

“I Love Podcasts!” the next day a new subscriber

We are constantly looking for opportunities to hand out flyers. We stopped at every store we had frequented during our stay out of town just to say “goodbye” and give them a flyer with free Bible Study lessons if they want to learn more.

These flyers have really been well received by the people we give them to. One Sunday afternoon we gave one to a delivery driver and he excitedly declared he loved podcasts. The next day there was a new subscriber. It might not be the same person but the audience is growing. Each time a person listens to our podcast they are receiving the gospel. We know God’s Word never returns void. Please pray for each one that they will listen and take the next steps.

Thoughts from Stacie

Lockdown Lifted
When we sent our report in June we were dealing with new lockdowns and things being closed. Schools were closed, extracurricular activities were halted. However just as tight as things were closed up in June things opened back up in July. 

National Holidays 
We celebrated 3 special holidays in July. One of the days celebrates the founding of the province of Cordoba. Which is the province we live in. Then for the 4th of July we celebrated our United States Indpendence Day. Then the 9th of July is Independence Day in Argentina. We celebrated each of these by adding new flags to our collection. The top two flags pictured are the US and the Argentine Flags and the lower two flags are the Texas and Cordoba flags. Each of these places have a special place in our hearts.

Friends Day
Argentina also celebrates Friends Day in July. Scott and I have been enjoying taking some traditional Argentine Folk Classes together.  We enjoyed dressing up for Friends Day with the rest of the class. If you want to learn the language and culture of an area it really helps to jump in and find new things to do that forces yourself to interact with normal everyday people. Being willing to step out of our comfort zones and make new friends opens many doors to share the gospel.

Winter Vacation
Scott mentioned above that we were able to rent an AirBnB and spend a few days outside of the city. Where we live we do not have a yard. So whenever we are put under lockdown by the government there isn’t many places for the kids to play. When we heard the lockdown was to be lifted for vacations we took that opportunity to escape the city. (By the way: Driving by Kilometers Per Hour is very intimidating.)

The kids really loved being able to go outside without masks and play as much as they wanted during our get away. It was even safe enough for Joanna to go outside by herself. Freedom and safety is such a precious thing that many take for granted.

The kids really loved being able to go outside without masks and play as much as they wanted during our get away. It was even safe enough for Joanna to go outside by herself. Freedom and safety is such a precious thing that many take for granted.  

Music Classes Resumed

When we returned from our trip we were happy that things remained open. All of the children’s band and violin classes started back up and in person classes resumed. Things aren’t quite the same as they used to be before the pandemic but we are trying to take any opportunity the Lord allows us to get to know people and share the gospel.

Special Offerings

I want to thank everyone that has sent me love offerings.  I have received them and will try to send out some Thank You notes. Mailing a letter here is quite a process so I hope to maybe get them all taken care of at once. If not I will try to catch up on letters when we go on furlough. Thank you for all the encouragement, love, and support you have shown us.

Bonus Pictures

June 2021 Report

“Can I take a picture of that?”

When I handed one of our flyers to a man and shared with him all of the resources on it, he didn’t realize that he would be able to keep it.  He was about to take a picture of the QR codes on the paper. 

On our flyers there are codes that will take you to our PDF of our Gospel of John, our podcast and many individual audio lessons.  Pray that each flyer passed out will make a difference in people’s lives.

Unexpected Phone Call and 4 Hour Visit

We received a phone call one night from the bread vendor with whom we were meeting with each week last year before the pandemic started.  We spoke on the phone for about an hour catching up.  Lately he has been selling face masks in the streets.  He told me that he has been carrying the Bible that I gave him last year.  Please pray for him! 

Every time that we have met together I have emphasized how to be saved and the importance of sharing that message with others.  On the phone call he had mentioned that he wanted to find something written that he could give out to people as he was talking to people and making sales in the streets.  When I told him about our flyers, he was very interested and planned on coming over the next day at 11:00.  At around 5 in the afternoon we heard a knock on our door.  During the visit, we discussed several subjects and shared several verses.  I gave him a large stack of flyers that he assured me he would use.  Please pray that these flyers would be placed in the hands of many people!

“Can I cut your branches?”

This is the question that I have been asked at least four times this year by the same person.  There is a man that walks down the street and wants to cut branches off of trees for pay.  The answer to the first question is always the same.  I expain that the tree in front of the house is not mine but the owner’s.   I tell him where he can find the landlord in order to ask. 

“Do you have a coat that I can have?” he asked. 
I replied, “I already gave you my coat last month when you asked me for a coat!” At this point I wondered why he wasn’t wearing the coat that I already gave him. 
As he pointed to his worn shoes he asks me, “Do you have any shoes that I can have?”
I then replied, “I also gave you a whole bag of shoes when you asked me last month.”  Again, I was wondering why he wasn’t wearing any of what he was already given. 
“Do you have anything that I can have?” he finally asked, hoping for money. 
“One moment,” I return with some food that their family can cook. 

Please pray for people to see their greatest need for a Savior, One who bled and died on a cruel Roman cross and three days later rose again and now invites all, rich or poor to repent and believe in order to be saved and forgiven!

A Cup of Locro

I had mentioned locro in previous reports.  It is a stew made up of hominy, pumpkin, beans and various assorted meats. 

We had eaten locro on several occasions and earlier this year watched it being made, but had not made any authentic locro up until now I bought the meat from the butcher that I had given the Bible to in the past.  I asked his opinion on what he likes in his locro. 

Cooking locro is an all day endeavor as it takes several hours to prepare. That evening my locro finished along with an authentic red sauce that I made following a recipe.

I personally hand delievered a cup of the fresh locro to the butcher at his shop.  He did not know that I planned on bringing him some and was truly touched that we thought of him and cared to share with him!  Please continue to pray for the various people that we are reaching out to in the neighborhood. 

Bonus Pictures

You can click here for the printable PDF of this report.

June 2021

April 2021 Report

“You’re finished with your immigration documents…
for last year”

We had gone to the immigration office and were there a little over 7 hours.  At the end of the process, they handed me back my papers and said that everything was taken care of and finished for last year during the pandemic.  Our next step would be to go home and start the long process over again for this year.  We were a little discouraged at the moment over the seemingly never ending process, until another missionary encouraged us by letting us know that this was actually good news and that the next leg of the process would not be so bad since we are just completing three years and should be able to get our permanent visas this time.  We have already uploaded our information to the website again and it appears that the process should be quicker going forward.  We were able to pay part of the immigration fees online already and the rest we will be able to pay the first part at the bank and the other part at the post office.

Food and Fellowship

On the third of the month we had an outreach at Marcelo’s house and in the plaza close to his house.  One of the older ladies in the Barrio that everyone calls “mama” and her son made a big pot of “Locro”.  Locro is a traditional stew here in Cordoba that is popular as it begins to get colder and during special occasions.  We had several people from the neighborhood come by and bring their kids.  The Lord gave opportunities to speak with several people.  The following Saturday we met together again to eat the leftovers from the previous week and talk about the Lord again.  We have had a good number of kids and adults come back each week so far.  My kids are taking a great part in preparing devotionals, songs and activities to share during the time on the Saturday outreach.

A Spike in Listeners to the Podcast

On the 21st of the month we had a large spike in listeners to the podcast.  During the month we have given out flyers to several people and are not sure where the new traffic is from, but are excited when people are listening.  Many times analytics can be more discouraging than encouraging in the moment when you are sharing all of your heart in a message and it appears that only a few heard it.  We have to remember that we are responsible for sewing the seeds and watering them and God is responsible for the increase.  It has been a great blessing having these flyers ready to give to somebody that we meet.  I keep several in my Bible case when I am out and about.  The Lord has given us several opportunities to share with people!

Do you have a Bible at home?

This was the question that I asked the butcher two weeks ago.  The Lord opened up a moment to share again with one of the butchers that I had mentioned to you all before.  He told me that he had been going through some of the things on the flyer that we gave him previously.  When I asked him if he owned a Bible, he said that he did not.  I told him, “we will take care of that today!”  Within 5 minutes he had a Bible in his hands!  I could tell that he was genuinely touched by this. We can see the Lord working. This was a moment where God had changed our original plans for that evening and opened the door for me to talk with this butcher whom I have had other like conversations with in the past. Sometimes we don’t understand why our plans change but we try to stay vigilant for the open doors God provides along the way. Sometimes God gives us the exact right words to say at the very moment it needs to be heard. Please continue to pray for the people with whom we are speaking and pray that the Lord gives us both wisdom and timing in our words!

Thoughts from Stacie

Surprise Bible School

April was a bit of an interesting month. The previous months we resumed meeting each Wednesday for the home Bible Study in a nearby neighborhood. I also resumed teaching the children’s Bible lesson before the preaching each Wednesday. Then Marcelo expressed a desire to do a youth outreach on Saturdays. So we agreed to help. The Saturday before Easter I was asked to reteach the Passover lesson I presented that Wednesday. It takes a lot of work for me to prepare my lessons in Spanish and the illustrations for them. My lessons probably seem very simple to those that hear me but making myself clear in another language isn’t easy. I agreed to reteach the one lesson but did not realize they wanted me to bring a lesson the following Saturdays as well.

The kids love seeing what I surprise them with each week but I was not prepared to come up with two such lessons a week. After a little confusion we figured out what they were wanting and organized a working plan where I still only have one lesson to prepare for Wednesday evenings. It really blessed us to have our teenagers Hannah and Jonathan come to us and volunteer to help us out with the Saturday Bible School. Now each Saturday I start by giving a review of the previous Wednesday night’s lesson and review the memory verse with the children. Then Hannah or Jonathan bring a short devotional on a similar topic. Then Scott leads a game and brings a short lesson. Afterwards we share a snack with the kids. We try to keep the lessons, games, and devotionals inside of an hour followed by an hour of fellowship where the kids can play with their friends.

Homeschool Co-op

Also in April we were approached with the opportunity to reach out to other homeschool families in Argentina. With many school shutdowns last year there has been a surge in Argentine families beginning to homeschool. Another missionary wife ,knowing we’ve homeschooled a long time, reached out to me asking if our family would like to participate and help in a Homeschool Cooperative that she and a few other mothers were heading up. She assured me it would not be a ministry of any particular denomination or church but just a group of homeschooling families sharing knowledge, resources, and encouragement with other homeschooling families here in Argentina.

While it’s not considered a ministry of a particular church, it is in a sense a personal ministry for each of us involved. For our family it’s an opportunity to meet more families and see what doors God opens from it. We started the end of April with 9 or 10 families represented from all over the Cordoba Province not just from the city where we are meeting. Most of the children attending are Elementary and Junior High ages. We hope we will see these families again in May and that maybe God will use these contacts to open doors in other towns around our city and other areas here in Argentina.

Bonus Pictures

March 2021

Outreach to the Youth on Saturday

Marcelo had mentioned to me that in addition to the Bible school that we are having for the younger kids on Wednesday before the preaching, he wanted to try having an outreach to the older youth in his barrio (neighborhood).  We have been having a special time on Saturday night with snacks, games, singing and a Bible study.  While teaching the Bible study, I can tell that some of these kids are listening intently and processing the information.  Much of what these kids have seen and experienced in their home lives cannot be put into words.  Please pray!

Next Saturday we are planning on having a time in the afternoon to take a soccer ball down to one of the plazas close to his house and talk to the kids about the Lord.  Please pray for not only salvation of those hearing but for wisdom and safety as there is no police presence in this area that is very troubled.  His neighborhood is referred to as “tierra de nadie” or “no man’s land”   You that regularly pray for us and for the people of Argentina have our thanks with words that also cannot be expressed!

Homelessness is also on the Rise

In the last few months we have seen much more open homelessness and street vendors than normal. 

Homelessness.  Shacks being set up by the homeless is not anything new, however the number has increased as well as the places where they are setting up a place to stay.  There are several “villas”, small mini villages of houses made of cardboard and crates.  If you were traveling through different parts of the city, you had to know where these were for personal safety.   As we see the homelessness and desparation increase, robberies and other crimes have also increased.  There have been an increase of robberies in the neighborhood where we live as well.   

Street vendors.  In past months it was very common to see several street vendors in the center.  Now due to the increase in the number of street vendors there is much more activity in smaller neighborhoods.  Please pray that people will not only come to know the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, but will repent of their sins and completely trust Jesus for salvation. 

“Wow, can I have one too!”

This is what one of the butchers asked me as I had given his friend one of our flyers.  The full color flyers that we had printed have been a great success!  We have already handed out many of these not only in our neigborhood but in the center as well.  Several business owners that are on our podcast Whatsapp list have made room for a stack of our flyers in their stores.  One of them had moved one of their own to another spot and had said that the one that we had was more important and needed a more visible spot.   Please pray for two butcher shops in the neighborhood, as I had an opportunity to share the gospel in both places.  There is a great need but also a great distrust of any organized religion.  Pray that teaching gently with patience and love will win the hearts of the ones that so badly need to understand God’s great plan of salvation  2 Timothy 2:22-26

Click Here or the Image for this Printable PDF Flyer

Please pray for us as we have an appointment with immigrations on the first week of April.

Bonus Pictures

We celebrated 2 birthdays in March.
Elijah’s Birthday was the 19th and Hannah’s on the 26th.
It was a blessing to be able to invite some friends to our home for both parties.

Click HERE for the full Printable PDF of this report!

You can also view this and our past reports on our Monthly Reports Page.