December 2024

Merry Christmas!

We thought that going into December would make things slow down a little bit.  It has been a busy month!  We would first like to say how very thankful we are for the Greatest Gift given to all of mankind, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!  It is a great privilege not only to know Him but to be able to share His love with those around us as well.

Christmas concerts and outreach!

In December, we have had four different Christmas concerts in different locations with preaching the gospel and music.  It was a great blessing to be able to put on a concert with invitations right in front of our meeting place.  Through talking with people during this time, there was a lady that lives on the same block that expressed interest in coming to our Sunday service!  Please pray for her.  Her name is Rosalia.

After service fellowship

We have been enjoying fellowship time on Sunday evenings after our Bible Study. The men have been enjoying conversation over a game of chess while the ladies take that time to decorate and the kids play. It has been a great way of opening doors of conversation and encouraging the kids as well!

Ready for a new year

For many years my family takes a special opportunity at the end of each year to review again, our goals that we have made previously and plan for the next year.  The three main categories that we plan are these:  1. Spiritual goals (how do I wish to grow spiritually this year)  2. Educational goals (what would I like to learn or learn to do this year that can be an avenue of growth and outreach) and  3. Physical goals (how can I better maintain the body that the Lord has given me in order to serve Him better and with more energy)  

I know many who are opposed to the idea of goal setting for the new year because for many they are forgotten by the middle of January, but this practice has been a great blessing for me as well as my family in keeping God’s purpose always before us throughout the year.  May you make great goals and plans this year with your family, just be willing to let God lead and change your plans for His!  His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts than our thoughts!

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December 2024

November 2024 Report

One year meeting in front of the plaza!

It never ceases to amaze me how fast time can fly.  At the beginning of the month marks one year that we have been meeting in this great location that we have!  We have two years still on this contract and look to make the most of the time and pray that the Lord would show us the place that he would have us purchase to have a permanent location.  Please be in prayer that the Lord’s wisdom would always lead in all things!

Doing the report

Click, click, clack came the sound from the back seat of the car while we were driving to one of our many weekly events. “I’m writing the report,” said our seven year old, as she pretended to  type on the fold down table in the car.  “And what are you writing about?” I asked. “I’m putting the number of how many leaves are on that tree and how many bricks on that building.”  Apparently that is what it appears to her that I am writing about when I put together the monthly and financial reports!  She has more figured out than I, because I have no idea how many leaves were on the tree that we passed that day.  I love my family and my kids are such a blessing to me as they grow and learn and follow the Lord!

Car full of ladies

My wife had the privilege of getting to take a group of ladies to the yearly ladies meeting at the beginning of the month.  Where it was this year was less than an hour away from where we live and they all had a great time together!  Please continue to pray for all of these ladies and the many things going on in each person’s life.

One moving to another province

We are saying goodbye to one of our regular attenders who is in the process of moving back to the province that she is from.  She has been attending our Bible study regularly since June.  Please pray for her as she makes that transition and for some of her family in that area that does not know the Lord.

Saying goodby to Guada,  one of our Sunday evening regular attenders

I was thankful to be able to recover her Bible before she had to leave. 

Praying that it will be a great blessing to her to read and discover God’s will for her life!

Hacked phone account……resolved

Towards the end on the month we had a slight adventure when a hacker obtained brief access to my Whatsapp phone account and used it to send out requests for money to several contacts.  We were able to lock it down rather quickly and no harm came, just lost several hours going through the contacts and following up.  The good thing is that through that, I was able to speak with several people that I hadn’t communicated with in a long time.  We live in a wicked world that desperately needs the Lord!

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October 2024

Not enough sleep

October has been a good month but a tough one.  During the last month we really haven’t been getting enough sleep.  Wednesday and Sunday services many times go late afterwards. We typically get home around 11 at night on those nights and have been starting early to get the time at the gym in before all of the other activities of the day and the week.  I feel like we are doing better now but we still have the tendency to burn the candle, as they say, at both ends.

Extra night at Marcelo’s

Toward the end of the month, we had introduced an extra night on Monday evening at Marcelo’s, in order to work on the hymns for Wednesday.  It gives us an opportunity for more contact and discipleship as well as time to teach some new songs for worship.  Please pray for some of the new visitors that we have had on Wednesday night: Marcos, Ruth and Juan!

About to come to the end of the school year in Argentina

It is strange to think about from the US, but here October and November correspond to April and May in the US and all that it includes in the scholastic year.  It is a very busy time of the year with very many activities going on at the same time.  We are looking forward to December when a lot of the extra events and classes will close for Summer vacation!

Impossible, Difficult or Done?

Missionary Hudson Taylor (1832-1905) had said that there are three stages in the work of God: impossible, difficult and done.  I feel like we have gotten past the feeling of impossible, Nothing is impossible for God.  We live in the difficult stage and look forward to when the Master says “Well done thou good and faithful servant!”

One day, we desire to see Scriptural New Testament Churches planted here in this country, composed of saved, scripturally baptized believers that are congregational in their governance and that would freely associate together for the promotion of worldwide missions.  I have faith that one day, should the Lord tarry, we might realize some of these and hopefully all of them!  For now we will live day by day and share the gospel one person at a time if need be and patiently, lovingly teach that there is a better way, a Biblical way of doing things.  May the Lord give strength and wisdom throughout the process.  We would like you to know that your prayers matter!  They matter to us and they matter to our Lord!

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October 2024

September 2024

Raising Boys into Men!

As a father of seven, it is dear to my heart that the primary ministry on any Pastor, deacon, missionary or Christian male is to their family.  We have been given the task by our Lord to lead and protect our families from all of the attacks that this world might offer.  We have three out of our seven out of the house at this point and still have under our direct care two boys and two girls.  Jonathan will be turning 17 this year and Elijah turned 14.  Our desire is that they continue to grow in their devotion to the Lord and to their resolve to stand for the right in a world with slippery slopes of reason and rationalization.

One on One Discipleship

One of the things that I have tried to do with each kid is share with them something unique that I could do with each one that the Lord has shared with me.  One of the things that I started in September was taking a couple of hours each week with Elijah, showing him how to work with leather.  He has already made several small projects and is learning how to bind a book and repair Bibles.  It has been a great time to draw closer together.  With Jonathan, we have been spending Tuesday mornings together for most of the year.  We both have a shared music class together and a Bible study in a home.  We have had a lot of great discussion throughout the year!

Our Last Greek Class for the Year

We have just finished this year out teaching Greek!  It has been a great time with seven students finishing the year!  They have learned a lot during this time and now have tools available to dig deeper into their studies.  It is hard to sum up in words how much I have enjoyed getting to teach this class on Tuesday nights.  We are planning to offer the Greek class again at the start of the next school semester in March.   During the hour we once had the Greek class I am beginning a study with our two sons on Biblical manhood! We just had our first class and are looking forward to the time spent together digging into His word!

The two girls playing their Violins during Worship

The two boys have been playing their instruments for services now for several years.  During the last month Elisabeth and Joanna, who are both studying the violin, expressed their desire to start playing in services.  It has been a wonderful, beautiful addition to the service.  I am very thankful for their willingness to serve the Lord in this capacity!  The Lord generously rewards us each day with his goodness and his love for us!  We are very thankful!

Stacie Mentoring

Stacie has been teaching and mentoring two of the Ladies that we have coming to our Sunday night Bible Studies. They also have been helping her with the monthly Women’s meetings. In this picture they got together for breakfast.

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September 2024

August 2024 Report

Our first ladies Bible study went great!

This last month has been a great time of growth and blessing.  Stacie has been especially busy with the beginning of the ladies Bible study.  She has been reaching out and coordinating with the ladies throughout the month and has been building great relationships between all of them. 

Please pray for the next ladies meeting which is about to take place and is planned for the beginning of each month.  Please pray for her as what she has been doing is not easy and requires a lot of time, attention and energy.

Kids inviting their friends to come

We have been extremely busy in many ways, but each thing that we are involved in doing, each outreach, each event allows us to have great conversations with many people from several walks of life.  During the last month, Jonathan was very pleased to have two of his friends from his orchestra and band come to our Sunday service though his inviting them.  He has invited many more in the past, but the normal response many times when we reach out to friends and loved ones can be disappointing when we get a negative reaction to our kind wishes.  He said that he was kind of surprised when they not only said that they would come, but actually came!  I love seeing a desire in my kids to share Christ with their friends and acquaintances.

Outreach in the Plaza

During August, we took advantage of the Argentine holiday, “El día de los niños” (Kid’s day).  All of my family got involved packing gift bags containing candies, a Bible, tracts and other goodies.   You can see in the picture how our table was situated where we had great visibility where people would pass by. During the day we had not only had a lot of great conversations with people in the plaza but got out two cases of Bibles.  One of the young boys hugged his new Bible and exclaimed how much he loves books!  Pray for each one that received a gift bag, that the Lord would work on their hearts.

Jonathan had two great opportunities this month.  He was asked by the pastor of Templo Bautista if he would bring a message for the youth during their special youth meeting.  He did a great job!  Also, after our outreach in the plaza, I had gotten real sick that Saturday evening and was very thankful for Jonathan being able to fill in for me for the message and leading the service.  I was thankful for Elijah as well for helping me lead the music.

Our New Sidewalk Sign

We were very thankful to have a sidewalk sign made for us.  It is the same kind that is commonly used here in this neighborhood by many local shops and businesses.  It is a great addition for us as it allows us to write in chalk any special events that are happening.  When we are having a meeting, we put the sign out on the sidewalk and when we are closed up we have the sign visible through the glass in front of the curtain.  I would like to personally thank each of you for your remembering us in prayer!

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August 2024

July 2024 Report

How do I sum it all up on one small page?

We have been very, very blessed this month with several opportunities to both share the Gospel and minister to others.  This month the kids had an opportunity to be with other kids their age at a teen camp, Stacie was invited to teach at a ladies meeting, a lot of great conversations about the Lord with various people and many other events taking place!

Return visitors and first time visitors

Our attendance had been down for a few months due to sickness and I don’t know what, but this month we have had several come!  There is a couple that has been out since February and has been coming every Sunday for the whole month.

Our attendance had been down for a few months due to sickness and I don’t know what, but this month we have had several come!  There is a couple that has been out since February and has been coming every Sunday for the whole month.

On Wednesday night, in the other neighborhood where we have been working, we have been able to come back to be with them each week as well.  Daily we come across lost people that need to hear His message of Salvation!  Please continue to pray for strength for His servants and open ears of the hearers. 

Stacie invited to teach at a ladies meeting

It was a great blessing to be asked to present a lesson to the ladies at Templo Bautista during their special ladies meeting.  It has been on my wife’s heart to be able to reach out to the many needs of the ladies around her.

Organizing our own monthly ladies Bible study

Please pray for my wife as she has been taking extra time to reach out to the ladies that have been coming on Sunday and spending extra time with them.  They have put their heads together and came up with a day that they could all get together and have a ladies Bible study together.  There are going to have their first one on Monday the 5th of August.  Please pray for them in this endeavor.

Playing the piano again

Another thing that Stacie had a desire to begin, was to get an electric piano up at the meeting place in order to play during the worship time.  It also turns out that others that have been coming have some experience playing in the past.  We are looking forward to a great time in the Lord and continuing to thrive as we work for him here in Cordoba, Argentina.

Just coincidence?

I love watching the Lord work!  We had a visitor this month that had not planned on coming!  He is a trombone player that I had met through the brass band reached out to and had several conversations with in the past but had not seen any at all in at least a year!  What a surprise it was when he, not even knowing that we were meeting there, walked by just before we began service and we saw each other through the window.  I was thankful that he stayed for the entire service. Please pray for his salvation!

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Joanna and Elisabeth had fun playing with Luisa’s dog during our Tuesday morning Bible study at her house!
July 2024 Report

June 2024

Immigration Temporary Visa… one more year

In 2021 we were supposed to receive our permanent residency visa here in Argentina. We were assured we could travel that year and return without any problems. However when we tried to return from furlough the Argentine government no longer had us in their system. So in 2022 we had to start the 3 year process all over again.We were hoping we could obtain our permanent residency this year but they told us we need to complete the temporary just one more year.  At least our temporary visa for this year was approved. The details are always in the Lord’s hands.  Please pray that all of our DNI (Identification) cards will arrive quickly.

Sunday Evening Bible study

Tuesday Morning Home Bible Study

We are so thankful that Luisa, pictured left, is feeling better. Please keep her and her family in prayer. She had been sick and bedridden for 15 days and it had been four weeks, due to her sickness, that we had not been able to meet with her. She was very excited to be feeling better and to have us come out.

Trouble in the neighborhood

Please pray for the neighborhood that Marcelo lives in, where we have been having a Wednesday night Bible study.  Last week, he told us Not to come out that night due to problems that were there on his street.  Apparently, police had come into the area to arrest some thieves and youth were throwing rocks at the police.  I really do not know the full extent of what is going on.  We are hoping to get back over there and are personally not afraid of the events, but also listen to the voice of wisdom in where I lead my family.  We have had a great study out there over the last ten weeks going verse by verse proving the deity of Christ from scripture.  (There are many Jehovah witnesses working the area.)

Ladies’ Retreat

Stacie had an opportunity to attend and bring a devotional at a Ladies’ Retreat. She is also planning to start a Ladies’ Bible Study soon to minister to some of the mothers she is friends with. It would be a great opportunity for her to get to know other women in the neighborhood as well.  There is so much more to share that space does not provide.  The Lord knows!  Keep praying!

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Scott was blessed to be able to repair Bibles for two brethren at Templo Bautista.

Stacie had a fun time with Joanna while the others were gone to the youth conference

June 2024

May 2024 Report

Upcoming immigration appointment

Getting your permanent residency in Argentina should be a three year process.  We have been here for six years but due to complications in their system we had to restart over three years ago.  We have an appointment on the first Friday of June that is scheduled to get our permanent residency.  Please pray!  Even if you are reading this after that date, still pray!  Everything works slow here.  This will be a great blessing and help to us if we can finally get this accomplished.  There is a lot of work to do here and the Lord blesses hard work for Him.

As an eagle stirreth up her nest…

One of the challenges for the foreign missionary, as well as any parent, is when one of children has grown and is leaving the house.  The difference for the missionary is that the son or daughter isn’t moving to the other side of town or the other side of the state, but to a completely different country.  As I write this, my daughter Hannah, who just moved out the beginning of May, along with my oldest son and daughter is 4,865 miles away.  Just writing that great figure puts a longing in this father’s heart to see them, hug them and let them know how much I love them!  We are very proud of all of the steps that Hannah has made in the last month and look forward to seeing what the Lord will do through her!

Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor.

One of the challenges for me personally was the absence of my wife during the first half of the month.  At the beginning of May, Stacie traveled to Texas with Hannah to help her get set up in the US.  It was a great, productive and busy time for both of them.  I can bear witness to the fact that life is much better with my wife around!

Sicknesses and other challenges

Please continue to pray for the three areas that we are currently working in.  Satan is also busy working!  Our Sunday evening service has been way down due to sickness.  There is a couple that have been enjoying the services, praying for family and encouraging them to come.  The last few weeks they have been out due to their kids being badly ill.  There is another elderly couple that continues to chat with me through WhatsApp, that has been in bad health for the last couple of months.  Our heart’s desire is to not only see souls saved, but disciples made!  The lady that we began a Bible study with on the other side of town has been down in health in bed with bronchitis the last couple of weeks as well and unable to have us out.  Our Wednesday night service has been steady, but with several that are still out, initially from sickness but later from whatever is distracting them from the Lord’s will.   Again our heart’s desire is to see strong disciples of Jesus made that will in turn make more disciples.

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March 2024

Classes have started back

Here in Argentina, our month of March corresponds with September in the US, when schools open again and people have come back from their vacations.  For us, since we first arrived here, the month of March marked off several new chapters in our lives as well as opportunities for reaching out to people.

Spending time at the University of Cordoba

The city of Cordoba boasts of at least 8 major universities and half a million combined student population!  The national university of Cordoba (Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, UNC) began in 1613 and averages about 180,000 students.  It worked out that my son Jonathan and I had the opportunity to sign up to take some music classes at the university together!  We have been enjoying  time spent together as well as meeting several new people.  Please pray that the Lord will guide our steps and our conversations with the teachers and students that we meet!

Teaching a New Testament Greek Class

For a couple of years now, brother Victor has asked me to teach a Greek class for their church seminary.  It is a great blessing to have finally worked it into the schedule and begun.  We are having the class on Tuesday nights and will be going from March to November.  Please pray for the students, a few of them that have surrendered to preach and may be some of the future pastors here in Argentina!

I am here because of you!

“I am here because of you!”
This is what Juan told me as he hugged my neck after his baptism.  

If you look back on the front page of January’s report, you will see a picture of him and his wife visiting our Sunday night service.  His wife was baptized last year by brother Elinai (Missionary from Mexico) but for several reasons Juan was not ready at the time and they were still struggling in their marriage.  When they visited us, we counseled them that they should follow the Lord together as a family and return and work out the problems and conflict.  It is surprising when the advice that you give is followed! (Sadly, much pastoral marriage advice is not followed:  “I know the Bible says, but…..”)  They are not only together in their marriage but now active members together in one of the Lord’s churches!  Continue to pray for them as well as the city of Malvinas where they live! 

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March 2024