May 2021 Report

“To say that it has been a crazy month would be an understatement.  Between a few closed doors, sickness at the beginning of the month, immigration problems and a national return to strict quarantine we are still moving forward and taking ground! We are all well and amidst the craziness here, God has still given us some opportunities to share His message with individuals.”

Recent Summary of the Month of may

One Door Closes Others Open

One of the biggest blows for us this month was on the 8th.  Marcelo decided to accept help from another church that does not share our core beliefs and were offering them several things.  For about three weeks my wife and I noticed a change in the brother in regards to the preaching and teaching.  We decided that it would be best to distance ourselves from their group.  We are continuing to pray for them that the Lord would show them His will through His word.

Hugging the Bible

On the same evening that we had our last Saturday at Marcelo’s house, the Lord gave me a special opportunity to share the message of His love.  That evening we felt so down about the events of the day and the closing of over two years of intently pouring into the life of Marcelo, his family and his people.  I had gone to buy food for the next morning from a kiosk that I haven’t visited in a while.  At the moment, I was more like the disciples at the well of Samaria, thinking of food, than looking for the Lord’s open doors, when the Lord gave me an opportunity to share with the owner of the store.  After visiting for a while, I asked her if she had a Bible at home.  She said that she no longer did as she had given away her Bible to a nephew.  Within 5 minutes, she had a Bible in her hands.  She was litterally hugging the Bible as we spoke.  Please pray for her!   

      Later in the same week God gave me another opportunity to give someone a Bible that did not have one.  With him it was my second time to speak with him.  On the first occasion, he asked me several questions which I not only answered but also shared how to be saved.  On this occasion after receiving a Bible he asked me many more questions and shared the gospel again.  I pray that the Lord will use His word to reach him!  The ironic thing is that these were all Bibles that I had originally bought to take to Marcelo’s, but if we would have taken them there then they wouldn’t have been on hand to give to them at just the right moment.  God’s ways are higher than our ways!

Another Large Spike in Listeners to the Podcast

On the very next day, we were encouraged to see another large spike in listeners to the podcast.  On the same day that we taught our last lesson at Marcelo’s house, we found out that there were 86 listens to the podcast on that day!  I don’t know if it was 86 people listening to one message each or one person listening to 86 messages, but it was encouraging to know that somebody was listening.

Jesus is not just an addition to one of the many saints!

One thing that weighs on our hearts is the misunderstanding of who Jesus is and what he came to do.  In the middle of trials, many people here seek their help by praying  and crying out to different saints. Pray that people will understand that there is only help and  salvation through Jesus!

Troubles at Immigrations

We followed all of the necessary steps for renewing our visas for this year.  We were assured that we had everything needed to change our status to permant residency.  When we came to the office on our appointed day, the kind lady that we spoke to last month was out on maternity leave.  We were sent to another person that was obviously having a bad day.  To tell the whole of this story in detail would require at least 10 hours, so I will spare you the details.  It is enough to say that we spent 2 days that week in immigrations with no results at the end.

That same day I emailed the “Minister of the Cults” in Buenos Aires that would need to sign our document for us to finish our immigration process.  Earlier this year it took us over a month to get this signature.  

Also, the same day that I sent this email, the entire country returned to a strict lockdown again.  As a result he emailed me back saying that there is nothing that they will do during the quarantine!  Please pray!  We know that God has all of these things in His power and that He is still in control of all things!

The return of the Quarantine has started a whole new level of fear in the people and problems.

Bonus Pictures

Click Here for the Printable PDF of our May 2021 Report

April 2021 Report

“You’re finished with your immigration documents…
for last year”

We had gone to the immigration office and were there a little over 7 hours.  At the end of the process, they handed me back my papers and said that everything was taken care of and finished for last year during the pandemic.  Our next step would be to go home and start the long process over again for this year.  We were a little discouraged at the moment over the seemingly never ending process, until another missionary encouraged us by letting us know that this was actually good news and that the next leg of the process would not be so bad since we are just completing three years and should be able to get our permanent visas this time.  We have already uploaded our information to the website again and it appears that the process should be quicker going forward.  We were able to pay part of the immigration fees online already and the rest we will be able to pay the first part at the bank and the other part at the post office.

Food and Fellowship

On the third of the month we had an outreach at Marcelo’s house and in the plaza close to his house.  One of the older ladies in the Barrio that everyone calls “mama” and her son made a big pot of “Locro”.  Locro is a traditional stew here in Cordoba that is popular as it begins to get colder and during special occasions.  We had several people from the neighborhood come by and bring their kids.  The Lord gave opportunities to speak with several people.  The following Saturday we met together again to eat the leftovers from the previous week and talk about the Lord again.  We have had a good number of kids and adults come back each week so far.  My kids are taking a great part in preparing devotionals, songs and activities to share during the time on the Saturday outreach.

A Spike in Listeners to the Podcast

On the 21st of the month we had a large spike in listeners to the podcast.  During the month we have given out flyers to several people and are not sure where the new traffic is from, but are excited when people are listening.  Many times analytics can be more discouraging than encouraging in the moment when you are sharing all of your heart in a message and it appears that only a few heard it.  We have to remember that we are responsible for sewing the seeds and watering them and God is responsible for the increase.  It has been a great blessing having these flyers ready to give to somebody that we meet.  I keep several in my Bible case when I am out and about.  The Lord has given us several opportunities to share with people!

Do you have a Bible at home?

This was the question that I asked the butcher two weeks ago.  The Lord opened up a moment to share again with one of the butchers that I had mentioned to you all before.  He told me that he had been going through some of the things on the flyer that we gave him previously.  When I asked him if he owned a Bible, he said that he did not.  I told him, “we will take care of that today!”  Within 5 minutes he had a Bible in his hands!  I could tell that he was genuinely touched by this. We can see the Lord working. This was a moment where God had changed our original plans for that evening and opened the door for me to talk with this butcher whom I have had other like conversations with in the past. Sometimes we don’t understand why our plans change but we try to stay vigilant for the open doors God provides along the way. Sometimes God gives us the exact right words to say at the very moment it needs to be heard. Please continue to pray for the people with whom we are speaking and pray that the Lord gives us both wisdom and timing in our words!

Thoughts from Stacie

Surprise Bible School

April was a bit of an interesting month. The previous months we resumed meeting each Wednesday for the home Bible Study in a nearby neighborhood. I also resumed teaching the children’s Bible lesson before the preaching each Wednesday. Then Marcelo expressed a desire to do a youth outreach on Saturdays. So we agreed to help. The Saturday before Easter I was asked to reteach the Passover lesson I presented that Wednesday. It takes a lot of work for me to prepare my lessons in Spanish and the illustrations for them. My lessons probably seem very simple to those that hear me but making myself clear in another language isn’t easy. I agreed to reteach the one lesson but did not realize they wanted me to bring a lesson the following Saturdays as well.

The kids love seeing what I surprise them with each week but I was not prepared to come up with two such lessons a week. After a little confusion we figured out what they were wanting and organized a working plan where I still only have one lesson to prepare for Wednesday evenings. It really blessed us to have our teenagers Hannah and Jonathan come to us and volunteer to help us out with the Saturday Bible School. Now each Saturday I start by giving a review of the previous Wednesday night’s lesson and review the memory verse with the children. Then Hannah or Jonathan bring a short devotional on a similar topic. Then Scott leads a game and brings a short lesson. Afterwards we share a snack with the kids. We try to keep the lessons, games, and devotionals inside of an hour followed by an hour of fellowship where the kids can play with their friends.

Homeschool Co-op

Also in April we were approached with the opportunity to reach out to other homeschool families in Argentina. With many school shutdowns last year there has been a surge in Argentine families beginning to homeschool. Another missionary wife ,knowing we’ve homeschooled a long time, reached out to me asking if our family would like to participate and help in a Homeschool Cooperative that she and a few other mothers were heading up. She assured me it would not be a ministry of any particular denomination or church but just a group of homeschooling families sharing knowledge, resources, and encouragement with other homeschooling families here in Argentina.

While it’s not considered a ministry of a particular church, it is in a sense a personal ministry for each of us involved. For our family it’s an opportunity to meet more families and see what doors God opens from it. We started the end of April with 9 or 10 families represented from all over the Cordoba Province not just from the city where we are meeting. Most of the children attending are Elementary and Junior High ages. We hope we will see these families again in May and that maybe God will use these contacts to open doors in other towns around our city and other areas here in Argentina.

Bonus Pictures

January 2021 Report

Happy New Year and Off to a Good Start

Every year my family begins the year by reflecting on the goals set during the last year to compare what we wrote versus what was accomplished.  We always find that many goals were met, some were lost along the way and other goals that we had not initially planned were later added and finished.  2020 did not turn out how anyone initially planned but we have been amazed by God’s goodness as He added to our ministry here in Argentina.  With the start of 2021 there was a lot of talk about the government in Argentina returning us to a strict quarantine. (The quarantine never was officially lifted in December but people en masse acted as though it did)  There were several travel restrictions and it was believed that on the 15th of the month that it would possibly become stricter again.  Thankfully, that time came and went without any new government restriction. We pray that things will continue to open up further and look forward to possibilities in the future. 

Waiting in Line at Immigrations

“Can we have Jackie Chan’s Autograph?”

The Lord gave me the opportunity to share the gospel with a homeless couple.  I had just come from a vegetable store and bought a sale on lettuce and tomatoes.  As I was walking home, I saw a homeless couple that had piled up boxes to make an enclosure on the side of the road.  It was like the Lord was telling me in my heart to share some of the produce that I just bought.  It turned out that they had a box full of rabbits under a blanket that they did not have food for.  I began to share the gospel with them. 

After they listened to the presentation, they had a request.  They said that they wanted me to get them Jackie Chan’s autograph for them.  You see, here in Argentina, many people seem to think that everyone in the US is extremely rich and knows everyone famous.  They told me that they really liked Jackie Chan’s movies and really wanted his autograph. 

I let them know that I really didn’t know that many famous people except one that was the most important of all time, Jesus Christ!  From there I was able to share the gospel a second time. 

Later that day I returned with a Bible that they could keep.  I found that they changed addresses.  They had moved their things to the other side of the road!  He told me that he would read the Bible that I brought them.  She told me that she would not read it since she was Catholic and didn’t need to read the Bible.  Please pray for them and many like them!

Learning to Drive All Over Again

We finally received our vehicle title towards the end of the month.  We have had the car parked before this as we waited for it.  It would be very hard to sum up in a few words how strange it is to drive for the first time in the busy city after not having driven in over two years.  Part of acquiring culture includes conquering strange and irrational fears that seem to surface at strange times. 

Stacie and I both had embarrassing, funny experiences from that day that didn’t seem very funny when we were in the middle of them but at the end of the day we laughed hard together about each one.  Thankfully we ended the whole month with nothing damaged except for our pride. 

We are still waiting for our information card for our car that should have come with the title.  We will not be able to drive outside of the town without this important card.  Please pray that we can get it soon!

First Time to Get to Meet Together in Almost 10 Months

At the end of the month, we were able to be with Marcelo’s family in their house for a Bible study.  Again, words cannot express how much we have missed being with them personally on Wednesday nights.  We had about a 3 hour Bible study and did not get home until after midnight.  We will continue sending out our podcast, Whatsapp, Facebook and Youtube messages each week and are looking for what the Lord has in store for us next in person!

Finishing Up Projects

One of the projects that we
have been working on is
teaching through the 22
doctrinal statements. 
We should be finishing this
series up by the middle of
February.  When it is finished we will be able to point people with questions about what we believe to this set of lessons much like the “Doctrine Project” that ABA Media had prepared.

Also about the middle of February we should be finishing up our study in the Sermon on the Mount.  It has been a study about the basics of descipleship.  We plan on orginizing it like the other study into a structured study that we can lead people through. 
We are also about to finish up a PDF of a Greek/Spanish New Testament parsing guide that will be able to be freely shared and used in our Spanish speaking seminaries and as an aid to Spanish speaking pastors and Greek students anywhere!
Thankful for the opportunity to preach two times this month to a group in Colombia!

Furlough 2021? 2022?

One of the events that we are planning is our first furlough.  We would like to be back in the states around October 2021, but that will depend on many things that are outside of our control.  We will be starting a fund to offset the price of travel.  Please be in prayer for this item as we have several items of business that will need to be taken care of at some point in the mid to near future.  

Thoughts from Stacie

Scott had enough in the report to fill a whole page but I felt like adding a little from my perspective so let’s just add a third page for those of you that like the behind the scenes.

In January we celebrated Joanna’s 4th birthday. She had a fun day complete with a shopping date with Daddy and her first tea party using my fancy tea set that I got for Christmas.

When we lived in the States I always loved to pull out my fancy dishes and have tea parties with the kids. I couldn’t bring my tea set with me so we hadn’t had a fancy tea party since we moved to Argentina. When we first moved here I showed Scott a set that reminded me of our wedding set. He remembered and surprised me with that complete set for this past Christmas and told me we could add to it if we wanted to invite guests in the future.

Another fun thing that happened this month was a friend of mine here in Argentina asked me if they could borrow our sons for a video they were doing for a world wide youth ministry.

They just needed a couple of boys around Jonathan and Elijah’s ages to represent a boy and his brother whose mother taught them about world missions and one of them would grow up to be a missionary.

I enjoyed getting to visit with my friend during the video shoot and Jonathan and Elijah were excited to be a part of a missionary story. They feel like world famous actors even if it is just for one scene in a short film.

Driving has been a real adventure. It’s been a couple years or so since I’ve driven a car and even longer since I’ve driven a stick shift. I can still hear my dad’s voice saying not to ride the clutch. Which means I still want to ride that clutch. But after a few days of driving I’m beginning to feel a little more confident again and am hoping to be able to get on a longer road outside of the city sometime soon to move beyond the 2nd gear. 

It’s a beautiful car and the kids all said it was comfortable for them too. Scott was able to install the taillight this month and now we are only waiting to get our car’s identity card that will allow us to drive outside of the city. Once that arrives we can plan a longer family road trip. 

We already feel the difference this car will make in our ministry. We were all able to travel together to another neighborhood where in the past we had a Bible Study before we were shutdown in quarantine.

Before it took two taxis to get us to that neighborhood and if we got a ride back it took either two cars or two trips with half of us having to wait for a ride. This time we were all able to go together in our own car. It seats seven but is small enough to fit in a normal car size parking space.  

Thank you so much for all your prayers and support. We are so thankful that God uses His people to do His work. With God’s help and the encouragement you all give us, we are able to move forward quicker through the doors the Lord opens before us. 

May God richly bless you in all that you do for Him and the spread of the gospel around the world.

November 2020 – Happy Thanksgiving!

We have the car but are still waiting on paperwork.

The missionaries that sold us the car were about to go on furlough, so it was in our best interest to pick up the car with or without all of the papers finished.  The kids were so excited when we went to pick it up.  They have been talking about all of the things that we would be able to do after getting the car.  We were at least able to take the kids around the block quickly before parking it.  We are renting a parking garage space a couple of blocks from the house as we have no place to park the car at the house.  Pray for us that we can get all of the paperwork finished and get our Argentine drivers licenses soon, so we can enjoy the use of the vehicle.  We are hoping that we can have some of this finished sometime in December.  

Quarantine Update

At the end of the month of November it made 256 days of continuous quarantine here in Argentina.  We are looking forward to possibility of inviting people to our home and having face to face meetings again with people.  It is great to be able to share the gospel with people one on one and teach and preach through the podcast, Whatsapp, YouTube and Zoom, but words cannot express how much we as a family have longed for having a good old fashioned come to meeting.  I don’t want to sound like I am complaining, because God has truly been good to us.  

Sharing the Gospel with people

The Lord is very good at providing opportunities to share His word.  Pray for the people that I am able to talk to on a regular basis that the Lord will continue to open the door for conversations about Him.  To give an example,  one day this month I had about two or three errands that I needed to take care of.  Each place that I went that day, I spent between 15 minutes to a half hour visiting and the Lord opened the opportunity that day to share the Gospel message.  Please pray as we continue to share and sow seeds.  

Rebuilding the podcast after being sick

At the end of the month of October my wife and I had both been sick for about two weeks.  The podcast suffered from missing a week.  The first week of sickness I kept the normal full schedule.  During the second week of the podcast I had to stop the pace that I had set.  We had gone in one week from averaging 200 listens per week to about 25 per week.  After staying at a reduced number for the month of November we started picking up more listeners by the end of the month.  It is very nice being able to refer new people that I meet to the podcast. 

After being sick, we reviewed and revised the podcast schedule to be a little more sane and maintainable.  Between the podcast, WhatsApp, YouTube and Zoom, I was preparing and teaching 10 messages per week and realized that I had to slow down.  We have gone from having a message daily on the podcast to a message on Sunday and Wednesday.  On YouTube we went from a message on Monday and Friday to one message per week on Monday.  I am still teaching a Greek class on Thursdays with the seminary in Columbia.   The lightening of the load has helped in a great way to do everything better.  

Invited to preach by Zoom to the group in Carlos Pellegrini, Santa Fe

We were thankful for the invitation by brother Oscar to preach to their group in the province of Santa Fe by zoom.  Over the last 8 months of quarantine they have had a very active group on Whatsapp and have been growing in their walk with the Lord.  Continue to pray for the ones in the group that are still in need of Salvation.  

A Few Words from Stacie

Thanksgiving came and we had a great time fixing each child’s favorite dish for our Thanksgiving dinner. Scott is an amazing cook and managed to make us an amazing pumpkin pie from scratch without even using a recipe.  

Face Masks I know there is a big debate over the use of face masks. Summer has arrived here in Argentina and face masks are mandatory except for little children. No one really questions this law some may find loop holes around it but basically everyone wears a face mask no questions asked. One of the days this month I was walking after doing a little Christmas shopping with one of the kids when we passed a swarm of flying gnats. I realized a blessing we can be thankful for with face masks. Not a single gnat has flown into my mouth nor nose since I’ve been wearing a face mask. The lesson… there is something to be thankful for in every trial.

September 2020 Report

We are buying a Car!

We feel kind of like a broken record starting every report about the quarantine so we thought we would change this report a bit and start with some good news. There is another missionary family here in Córdoba, Argentina who have 5 children that are upgrading to a larger vehicle and asked us if we would like to buy their 7 passenger mini van. 

This was exciting news to us as we have been talking about how we were going to get around after the quarantine finally lifts. While not always ideal, we made public transportation work for us the past couple of years, but the “new normal” means we won’t be able to travel like we once had.

We are so thankful that with the help of the offerings that have been sent in to our vehicle fund, we are now in the process of purchasing the van pictured in this report. Thank you so much for your prayers and offerings! With the offerings we received we have what we need to not only pay for the car but also to cover the fees and other costs involved with the transfer of the title and other mandatory paperwork involved in the purchase of a vehicle here in Argentina.

Latest Quarantine News

And now about the quarantine… we finished the month of September on the 195th day of mandatory quarantine. The government of Argentina extended it this time until the middle of October. (We aren’t going to hold our breath that they will actually lift it by then.) Besides the extension they also added a curfew. We are not allowed to leave our homes between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. except for essential travel. This is a pretty heavy restriction here in Argentina where supper doesn’t normally begin until after 8.

It is also around the time many churches here would typically start their evening service. However even meetings are restricted at any time of day to a certain number of people for the size of the building and a lot of restrictions so most churches have not been able to meet yet. And those few who have been able to meet went through a lot of strict protocols and paperwork to get the legal permission to do so.

While many churches are still not able to have in person meetings we are blessed to be able to be an encouragement with classes and Bible Studies online.

How are we doing?

We’ve had so many people concerned about us as we share updates and news on Facebook. We are doing well and have been doing our best to adjust to this crazy time we are living in. We continue to go for a weekly walk as a family.

During one of our walks we decided to walk by a park where we saw parents watching their children play on the playground. We weren’t exactly sure if the playground was technically opened but since the police only a block away weren’t stopping the children from playing, we decided to go ahead and let our children enjoy a few minutes of outdoor play.

It had been 6 months since Joanna had been able to slide down a slide. She was so happy!

We took proper precautions with the masks and washing hands afterwards. But that few minutes was almost like a breath of fresh air. 

Outreach Continues

We are continuing to reach out online through our podcast and YouTube videos. Our audience continues to grow not only in Argentina but around the world as more and more people listen in to the daily messages from God’s word. In the 50 days since the beginning of our podcast we have had people in 16 countries tuning in.

If you know anyone who speaks Spanish please share our podcast and YouTube channels with them. Profundizando en la Palabra is the name on both platforms. You can find all our Spanish resources and content on our website at:

“How Can We Help?”

One Time Project Needs

• Emergency Fund Goal:     $6,000

    $1,400 left 

    $4,600 received

• Language School Expenses: $300  per month

• Vehicle Purchased! Amen!  We are so thankful to all of the churches!

More details about our recent purchase will be in next month’s report. 
Thank you so much for all your prayers and support!

August 2020 Report

Click this link to view the printable PDF of this report:

Get the Printable PDF of this Report Here

The last day of August was the 165th day of quarantine here in Argentina. We have now been in quarantine longer than there are days left to Christmas. However what at the beginning seemed such an inconvenience to our original plans for the year, we are now able to look back and see how the Lord was working through it all. So many things that we have started and focused on during this time of social distancing and isolating, as they call it here, we would have not done otherwise. 

New Podcast

Just in the month of August we not only continued to send out daily audio messages and weekly YouTube livestreams, we also started podcasting around the middle of the month and our listening audience has grown. 

Our Children’s Education 

We’ve also been able to work with the kids on their homeschool lessons which with the additional time this year they’ve been able to go further than they might have if their attention had been divided with extracurricular activities. They are focusing on getting ahead in their lessons so that when the country starts opening again it will be easier to keep up when things get back to a new normal.

Family Devotionals in Spanish

While on the subject of kids’ education, this month we added presenting our evening family devotionals in Spanish every other week. We already had each of us taking turns giving devotionals in English to help our children prepare for one day possibly being Sunday School teachers but we also want them to be equally prepared to minister here should they ever be asked to teach or speak in Spanish.

LAMB Seminary in Columbia 

Scott was blessed with the invitation to bring a few virtual lessons through Zoom for the Latin America Missionary Baptist Seminary in Columbia. We are thankful for the opportunity and are looking forward to seeing what doors the Lord may open in the future.

Children Stateside

Please pray for our Stateside children. We are so glad that we are able to stay in touch with them through all the craziness they have had to face in the new normal of 2020. It’s hard being so far away through the transitions that the year has thrown at them. However God has been faithful and they are doing well. When you pray for us please lift Joshua and Ruth up as well. It’s hard parenting from a distance but we know God’s grace can lead and guide them even better than we can during these times.

Bonus Pictures

July 2020 Report – Quarantine Month 5

Today is Day 133 of Quarantine

By the title of this report, you would think that it came from a Science fiction book. Here in Argentina we had just begun the 12 phase reopening process. Most people don’t actually know what phase we are actually in. I believe that we are somewhere between phase 3 and 4 but now several places in the country have returned back to phase 1 and they are discussing it here in our city.

Independence Day

Here in Argentina, their Independence Day is the 9th of July. On the fourth I baked a US flag cake with a full 50 piles of coconut sprinkles for the stars! I sent out the pictures of our cake and family celebration with my daily audio message.

We had a very good reaction from the Argentine people. They really appreciated us sharing some of our culture with them. They were really excited when I made an Argentina flag cake on the 9th and sent the pictures with my sermon. I used an egg for the sun in the middle of the flag. Please pray for us as we continue to build relationships even during lockdown.

Don’t go near the grass!

Last weekend, we took the kids out for a walk hoping to let them have some time to run around a little bit. We walked 8 blocks (the furthest that we had walked from the house in over 4 months!) to a grassy area. When we arrived, there were police guarding the grassy, vacant, open area and playground. The area was deemed off limits by the authorities.

Live Streaming and Increasing the Quality of the Videos going out

Before last month we were sending out a daily audio message and at least two prerecorded videos. This last month we began live streaming and using a green screen. Recording videos and audios have never felt like a natural thing for us to do.

It has been said that to become a master at any given thing, that it takes about 10,000 hours of practise. We are well on our way with over 800 hours of “Practice” over the last 4 months. We have put a lot of work this last month into learning to put together good quality videos. Please continue to pray for us that we are able to streamline the whole process as we plan to continue putting out audios and videos after the quarantine lifts and that we are able to have in-person meetings as well.

We are praying for you all!

Our hearts are saddend whenever we hear about friends in the US who are struggling hard with infection. We are continuing to keep you all in prayer and are so thankful for your love and prayers for us and for the work being done in Argentina.

Bonus Pictures

June 2020 Report – Still in Quarantine, Continued

Today is day 103 of Mandatory Quarantine

As of writing this report we have passed 100 days of quarantine. People here like to change the name in Spanish from “cuarentena” to “cuareterna”, basically saying that the quarantine seems “eternal”. We know that eventually this chapter will end and the Lord will open the doors to meet in person again.

“Thank you for the daily messages!”

We have been thankful to be able to send out a daily message by Whatsapp each day. Thankfully each month we are able to add more individuals to our list to receive a daily message. We don’t get feedback from everyone on the list, but there are three or four that regularly send back a message thanking us for sending out the messages. Like all things in our lives, we may not realize our full impact from our preaching until we are in glory. Pray for us as we continue to send out daily!

The children take turns bringing the nightly devotionals each week. Every night before bed we have a family devotional and prayer time.

Contemplating what life will be like after the quarantine

One of the first things that we will need to get taken care of after the quarantine lifts is renewing our visa paperwork. Please pray for us that all of this goes smoothly. While we don’t know what everything will be like after the quarantine lifts, we know that God has been at work throughout the quarantine and look forward to His plans going forward. The last that we heard from the government here was that the quarantine would extend at least until the middle of July as long as there are no more developments. We will take everything one day at a time.

Thoughts from Stacie

Hope of Beginning a New Normal: So far the number of Covid-19 cases here in Argentina have been very low and we’re  beginning to see some hope of the quarantine ending. Many businesses have reopened this month and we have begun to see a little hope of a new normal. 

Homeschool focus: One benefit to this time during quarantine is being able to focus fully on our children’s education without distractions.We would love to be able to interact more with the culture and become more involved in ministering together as a family and that will come again soon. But right now we can only focus on what God has currently in front of us. The children are growing and learning quickly. 

Distance Parenting: It’s hard to have grown children what seems a whole world away from us. Joshua and Ruth are doing well but it’s easy as a parent to be a little concerned for them as we watch the news and see all the things happening back home in the United States. While I must focus on the children who are still at home, I find myself  constantly thinking about our grown children as well. When you pray for us, please pray for our grown children also. We can’t be there with them but I know God is there and can watch over them better than I ever could.

Joanna wearing the crown Stacie made for her.
Click the image to download the PDF of the Gospel of John in Spanish

May 2020 Report – Still in Quarantine!

70 Days so far in Mandatory Quarantine

As of the day of writing this report, we have completed 70 days of manditory quarantine. While we have been under quarantine, the kids have continued their homeschooling during the day. I have continued preparing and putting out materials and using technology to connect to individuals. We are allowed to leave the house for groceries and medical supplies. During those times we continue to have discussions with individuals.

“Thank You for the Bible!”

Was the response the next day after we had gifted a Bible to one of the people on our daily audio message list. You would be amazed how many homes that go to some type of church that do not own a Bible. Another person this month had requested 5 Bibles to read together with his family. Please pray for them. Before the quarantine I had felt led to buy several Bibles that were on sale downtown. I am so glad that we did, as we have been able to get out a lot of materials this month.

More People Added to the List to Receive a Daily Bible Message

At the beginning of the quarantine we began sending out an audio message each day to 5 individuals and three WhatsApp groups. As of right now we are sending out to the same three groups as well as 36 individuals. Please pray that the Lord will give me the right words to send out each day.

A Sample Text of One Audio Messages that We Send Out Each Day

Video Messages on YouTube

One of the problems that we have had on Wednesday nights is that several of the people that we normally meet with do not have good stable internet. That group is not able to receive the videos because of their internet. What we have been doing for Sunday and Wednesday is to record both video and audio. They have been enjoying the daily audio messages and the ones that can access the videos have been using those resources.

Birthday in Quarantine

 We had celebrated 2 birthdays in quarantine last month and had another one this month. At the end of the month our daughter Elisabeth turned eight years old. The kids have found many creative ways to make presents for their siblings.

Sharing Jesus with Delivery Drivers

Since we are not allowed to get out we have been bringing people to us. There were two delivery drivers about a week ago that both were given a book of Romans with the plan of Salvation. I mention them because of the positive reaction that they gave when I gave it to them. Not everyone receives the message as openly. Please pray for them!

Gospel of John with the Plan of Salvation

A little over a year ago I began a project to combine a beautiful presentation of the Gospel with the complete text of the Gospel of John with the next steps of discipleship included in the last third of the the book. It is freely available on our website. If you know any Spanish speaking people, please make sure that they get a copy. It is free! After the quarantine is lifted, we want to find a good price on mass printing of this book to be able to pass out. If there are any questions about the book or its contents, please email me.

Download PDF and Share

Bonus Pictures

Our Spanish Website


Thank you for your prayers and support!