“Please come and help us on Wednesday evening!”

As I had mentioned last month, we had an unexpected visit from Marcelo and his family, with whom we spent a lot of time during our first term. He asked if we would come on Wednesday nights again and asked me to preach. His family has been through a lot in the last two and a half years. Please pray for wisdom and direction for Marcelo, his family, and for the group meeting in his home!

Merry Christmas!

Christmas is always a strange time here in Argentina as the weather gets hotter and hotter as the month progresses. We are thankful that God gave us His only begotten Son to pay for our redemption and the sin of the world!

Our Daughter’s visit

For us, our great Christmas present was having our daughter Ruth come and visit us for two weeks at the end of December! She spent the first year and a half of our first term with us when we first came in 2018. It was a great blessing for us to show her firsthand some of the blessings that the Lord has been working in our lives here! We want to thank all the churches and individuals who gave us Christmas offerings. You helped us not only bring Ruth to visit us but also the ability to buy gifts as well.
Christmas concert in the park and professions of faith!

One highlight of the month was putting on a Christmas concert in the plaza in front of our meeting place. Several musicians and youth from Templo Bautista helped us not only play the music but also in passing out tracts and fliers to the people in the park and neighboring houses. During the concert one of the men from Templo had an opportunity to lead a young man of 22 to the Lord. The next day he came to our evening service and stayed until 11:30PM talking with us and asking Bible questions. He has been coming back and continuing to grow. Please pray for him! His name is Benjamin.

Wishing you all a blessed new year in the Lord!

One of the things that my family always likes to do is take inventory of the last year looking at the Lord’s blessings and planning with resolve what He would like us to do and work on in the future! How has this last year been in your personal life? in your family? in your church? in your workplace? What would the Lord have you do in this new year? What would He have you change, remove or add? I am not asking for an empty resolution but a firm decision to let the Lord lead and have His way!