We are buying a Car!
We feel kind of like a broken record starting every report about the quarantine so we thought we would change this report a bit and start with some good news. There is another missionary family here in Córdoba, Argentina who have 5 children that are upgrading to a larger vehicle and asked us if we would like to buy their 7 passenger mini van.
This was exciting news to us as we have been talking about how we were going to get around after the quarantine finally lifts. While not always ideal, we made public transportation work for us the past couple of years, but the “new normal” means we won’t be able to travel like we once had.
We are so thankful that with the help of the offerings that have been sent in to our vehicle fund, we are now in the process of purchasing the van pictured in this report. Thank you so much for your prayers and offerings! With the offerings we received we have what we need to not only pay for the car but also to cover the fees and other costs involved with the transfer of the title and other mandatory paperwork involved in the purchase of a vehicle here in Argentina.
Latest Quarantine News
And now about the quarantine… we finished the month of September on the 195th day of mandatory quarantine. The government of Argentina extended it this time until the middle of October. (We aren’t going to hold our breath that they will actually lift it by then.) Besides the extension they also added a curfew. We are not allowed to leave our homes between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. except for essential travel. This is a pretty heavy restriction here in Argentina where supper doesn’t normally begin until after 8.
It is also around the time many churches here would typically start their evening service. However even meetings are restricted at any time of day to a certain number of people for the size of the building and a lot of restrictions so most churches have not been able to meet yet. And those few who have been able to meet went through a lot of strict protocols and paperwork to get the legal permission to do so.
While many churches are still not able to have in person meetings we are blessed to be able to be an encouragement with classes and Bible Studies online.
How are we doing?
We’ve had so many people concerned about us as we share updates and news on Facebook. We are doing well and have been doing our best to adjust to this crazy time we are living in. We continue to go for a weekly walk as a family.
During one of our walks we decided to walk by a park where we saw parents watching their children play on the playground. We weren’t exactly sure if the playground was technically opened but since the police only a block away weren’t stopping the children from playing, we decided to go ahead and let our children enjoy a few minutes of outdoor play.
It had been 6 months since Joanna had been able to slide down a slide. She was so happy!
We took proper precautions with the masks and washing hands afterwards. But that few minutes was almost like a breath of fresh air.
Outreach Continues
We are continuing to reach out online through our podcast and YouTube videos. Our audience continues to grow not only in Argentina but around the world as more and more people listen in to the daily messages from God’s word. In the 50 days since the beginning of our podcast we have had people in 16 countries tuning in.
If you know anyone who speaks Spanish please share our podcast and YouTube channels with them. Profundizando en la Palabra is the name on both platforms. You can find all our Spanish resources and content on our website at: profundizandoenlapalabra.org.

“How Can We Help?”
One Time Project Needs
• Emergency Fund Goal: $6,000
$1,400 left
$4,600 received
• Language School Expenses: $300 per month
• Vehicle Purchased! Amen! We are so thankful to all of the churches!
More details about our recent purchase will be in next month’s report.
Thank you so much for all your prayers and support!