Upcoming immigration appointment
Getting your permanent residency in Argentina should be a three year process. We have been here for six years but due to complications in their system we had to restart over three years ago. We have an appointment on the first Friday of June that is scheduled to get our permanent residency. Please pray! Even if you are reading this after that date, still pray! Everything works slow here. This will be a great blessing and help to us if we can finally get this accomplished. There is a lot of work to do here and the Lord blesses hard work for Him. |
As an eagle stirreth up her nest…

One of the challenges for the foreign missionary, as well as any parent, is when one of children has grown and is leaving the house. The difference for the missionary is that the son or daughter isn’t moving to the other side of town or the other side of the state, but to a completely different country. As I write this, my daughter Hannah, who just moved out the beginning of May, along with my oldest son and daughter is 4,865 miles away. Just writing that great figure puts a longing in this father’s heart to see them, hug them and let them know how much I love them! We are very proud of all of the steps that Hannah has made in the last month and look forward to seeing what the Lord will do through her! |
Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor.

One of the challenges for me personally was the absence of my wife during the first half of the month. At the beginning of May, Stacie traveled to Texas with Hannah to help her get set up in the US. It was a great, productive and busy time for both of them. I can bear witness to the fact that life is much better with my wife around! |

Sicknesses and other challenges
Please continue to pray for the three areas that we are currently working in. Satan is also busy working! Our Sunday evening service has been way down due to sickness. There is a couple that have been enjoying the services, praying for family and encouraging them to come. The last few weeks they have been out due to their kids being badly ill. There is another elderly couple that continues to chat with me through WhatsApp, that has been in bad health for the last couple of months. Our heart’s desire is to not only see souls saved, but disciples made! The lady that we began a Bible study with on the other side of town has been down in health in bed with bronchitis the last couple of weeks as well and unable to have us out. Our Wednesday night service has been steady, but with several that are still out, initially from sickness but later from whatever is distracting them from the Lord’s will. Again our heart’s desire is to see strong disciples of Jesus made that will in turn make more disciples. |
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