June 2024

Immigration Temporary Visa… one more year

In 2021 we were supposed to receive our permanent residency visa here in Argentina. We were assured we could travel that year and return without any problems. However when we tried to return from furlough the Argentine government no longer had us in their system. So in 2022 we had to start the 3 year process all over again.We were hoping we could obtain our permanent residency this year but they told us we need to complete the temporary just one more year.  At least our temporary visa for this year was approved. The details are always in the Lord’s hands.  Please pray that all of our DNI (Identification) cards will arrive quickly.

Sunday Evening Bible study

Tuesday Morning Home Bible Study

We are so thankful that Luisa, pictured left, is feeling better. Please keep her and her family in prayer. She had been sick and bedridden for 15 days and it had been four weeks, due to her sickness, that we had not been able to meet with her. She was very excited to be feeling better and to have us come out.

Trouble in the neighborhood

Please pray for the neighborhood that Marcelo lives in, where we have been having a Wednesday night Bible study.  Last week, he told us Not to come out that night due to problems that were there on his street.  Apparently, police had come into the area to arrest some thieves and youth were throwing rocks at the police.  I really do not know the full extent of what is going on.  We are hoping to get back over there and are personally not afraid of the events, but also listen to the voice of wisdom in where I lead my family.  We have had a great study out there over the last ten weeks going verse by verse proving the deity of Christ from scripture.  (There are many Jehovah witnesses working the area.)

Ladies’ Retreat

Stacie had an opportunity to attend and bring a devotional at a Ladies’ Retreat. She is also planning to start a Ladies’ Bible Study soon to minister to some of the mothers she is friends with. It would be a great opportunity for her to get to know other women in the neighborhood as well.  There is so much more to share that space does not provide.  The Lord knows!  Keep praying!

Bonus Pictures

Scott was blessed to be able to repair Bibles for two brethren at Templo Bautista.

Stacie had a fun time with Joanna while the others were gone to the youth conference

June 2024

March 2024

Classes have started back

Here in Argentina, our month of March corresponds with September in the US, when schools open again and people have come back from their vacations.  For us, since we first arrived here, the month of March marked off several new chapters in our lives as well as opportunities for reaching out to people.

Spending time at the University of Cordoba

The city of Cordoba boasts of at least 8 major universities and half a million combined student population!  The national university of Cordoba (Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, UNC) began in 1613 and averages about 180,000 students.  It worked out that my son Jonathan and I had the opportunity to sign up to take some music classes at the university together!  We have been enjoying  time spent together as well as meeting several new people.  Please pray that the Lord will guide our steps and our conversations with the teachers and students that we meet!

Teaching a New Testament Greek Class

For a couple of years now, brother Victor has asked me to teach a Greek class for their church seminary.  It is a great blessing to have finally worked it into the schedule and begun.  We are having the class on Tuesday nights and will be going from March to November.  Please pray for the students, a few of them that have surrendered to preach and may be some of the future pastors here in Argentina!

I am here because of you!

“I am here because of you!”
This is what Juan told me as he hugged my neck after his baptism.  

If you look back on the front page of January’s report, you will see a picture of him and his wife visiting our Sunday night service.  His wife was baptized last year by brother Elinai (Missionary from Mexico) but for several reasons Juan was not ready at the time and they were still struggling in their marriage.  When they visited us, we counseled them that they should follow the Lord together as a family and return and work out the problems and conflict.  It is surprising when the advice that you give is followed! (Sadly, much pastoral marriage advice is not followed:  “I know the Bible says, but…..”)  They are not only together in their marriage but now active members together in one of the Lord’s churches!  Continue to pray for them as well as the city of Malvinas where they live! 

Bonus Pictures

March 2024

– December 2023 –

“Please come and help us on Wednesday evening!”

As I had mentioned last month, we had an unexpected visit from Marcelo and his family, with whom we spent a lot of time during our first term.  He asked if we would come on Wednesday nights again and asked me to preach. His family has been through a lot in the last two and a half years.  Please pray for wisdom and direction for Marcelo, his family, and for the group meeting in his home!

Merry Christmas!

Christmas is always a strange time here in Argentina as the weather gets hotter and hotter as the month progresses.  We are thankful that God gave us His only begotten Son to pay for our redemption and the sin of the world!

Our Daughter’s visit

For us, our great Christmas present was having our daughter Ruth come and visit us for two weeks at the end of December!  She spent the first year and a half of our first term with us when we first came in 2018.  It was a great blessing for us to show her firsthand some of the blessings that the Lord has been working in our lives here! We want to thank all the churches and individuals who gave us Christmas offerings. You helped us not only bring Ruth to visit us but also the ability to buy gifts as well.

Christmas concert in the park and professions of faith!

One highlight of the month was putting on a Christmas concert in the plaza in front of our meeting place.  Several musicians and youth from Templo Bautista helped us not only play the music but also in passing out tracts and fliers to the people in the park and neighboring houses.  During the concert one of the men from Templo had an opportunity to lead a young man of 22 to the Lord.  The next day he came to our evening service and stayed until 11:30PM talking with us and asking Bible questions.  He has been coming back and continuing to grow.  Please pray for him!  His name is Benjamin.

Wishing you all a blessed new year in the Lord!

One of the things that my family always likes to do is take inventory of the last year looking at the Lord’s blessings and planning with resolve what He would like us to do and work on in the future!   How has this last year been in your personal life? in your family? in your church? in your workplace?  What would the Lord have you do in this new year?  What would He have you change, remove or add?  I am not asking for an empty resolution but a firm decision to let the Lord lead and have His way!

December 2023

November 2023 Report

“Thou are not far from the kingdom of God”

This is the verse that I was thinking about while talking to the electrician as he was working on our building.  He was raised and baptized Roman Catholic but did not identify as a religious person or a follower of God. As we had a great conversation, I could tell that he had a very good work ethic.  He did not believe in the priests and that a person needed to go through a Catholic priest to get to God (Directly opposed to standard Catholic teaching).  I shared what Jesus did for us on the cross to open up that reality that all mankind could come to God through His sacrifice!  It is a hard thing for a person like him to connect the dots and see his great need of a savior.  Many people are close to understanding the process of salvation but oh, so far away at the same time!

“Your son gave me a tract!”

We had a couple that recently moved to Argentina from Ecuador that has visited now for a couple of weeks.  They are both doctors and are planning of establishing practices here in Cordoba.  A couple of weeks ago my son, Jonathan, had passed them a tract in the plaza in front of the building and based on that contact, they have come.  Please pray for them as we continue to minister to them.

The word of reconciliation

During this month there were two very interesting events that took place.  One was being invited to the baptism of the woman that gave us so much grief almost a year ago!  We are thankful that she is trying to go forward in following the Lord and wish the best for her.  The church that baptized her is an independent Baptist work on the other side of town.  The missionary and his wife are a very good family from Mexico serving here in Argentina.  It was a strange flood of emotions being there that morning as we not only saw her but also the child and her mother that used to come each week to our meetings there in Malvinas. 

In truth, nothing was ever resolved as we were never allowed the opportunity to have face to face discussion over the problems we had there.  We were glad to be able to see them and  have at least some closure on our part. We were finally able to say goodbye to Samuel who barely remembers us.

The second event was a visit from the family that we once helped with a home Bible study during our first term here.  We had dedicated many hours with them and the people of their neighborhood.  They wanted us to know how badly they felt for how things turned out because of their decisions back in 2021.  Pray for them as they sort several things out and how they seek God’s wisdom in how to proceed from here.

We were so happy to this young boy at church.  He is one that we were ministering to in Malvinas.  We had lost a lot of sleep over the last year thinking about him without having a scriptural church in his neighborhood.  It did this preacher’s heart good to find him unexpectedly in a church!

“I have always wanted to see a tornado!”

This was from a conversation that my wife had with a pet store worker as she was buying food for our cat!  When people hear that we came from Texas, they have very strange ideas of what people or life is like as their perception is based on TV and movies.  She decided not to shatter the young guys dreams of one day witnessing a real Texas  tornado.

~Thoughts from Stacie~

Women’s Retreat

Towards the beginning of November Hannah and I went to a yearly women’s retreat that is held with several Baptist churches and missions within the Cordoba province. We’ve attended this retreat twice before and this was our first year to not have anyone to bring with us. Some of the ladies at the retreat were friends that we hadn’t seen since the previous retreat a year ago.

I knew it would be hard to explain why we no longer are meeting in Malvinas. To add to the awkwardness one of the ladies from Malvinas that we brought with us last year actually attended the retreat this year but with a different group. Thankfully I was able to give the simple answer that the doors closed for us out there and turned the subject toward our new work and new location.

Visitation on Jonathan’s Birthday

Hannah and I left the retreat early as we had the youth group from Templo Bautista come help us pass out flyers and tracts inviting people to join our Bible Study on Sunday evenings. We have truly been blessed by their encouragement. After canvasing the neighborhood we celebrated Jonathan’s Birthday by sharing cake with all those who came.

Our First Four Services

We had a really good attendance the first service in our new location. Everything went extremely well. We knew we would have a huge attendance that first Sunday as several members of Templo Bautista including their pastor came to help and encourage us. We were really glad to have the 5 visitors from the neighborhood. The second Bible Study we had 2 repeat visitors and 2 new visitors from the neighborhood. Then the 3rd Sunday of November just our family was there but we held service just like we had a full crowd. We did have a woman come in to ask for money from our kids. She didn’t want to stay for the message though.

However we were happy to see our 2 regular visitors come and 2 new visitors the last Sunday of November. The Lord is our greatest encourager. And as of the writing of this report we have had another family visit our services. You will hear more about them in our next report.

Surprise Invitation to a Baptismal Service

Scott mentioned the Baptism already but I thought I would add that it was the lady Hannah and I saw at the retreat that reached out to me after 9 months of silence to invite us to her Baptism. The missionary pastor of that church actually called Scott when she started visiting their services so they were very considerate of our part out there. While going to the baptism didn’t really solve any of the problems in Malvinas it was good to get to see some of those we hadn’t had the chance to say goodbye to before.

Repeat Visitors

I just want to share a little about one of the couples that has been coming each week to our Bible Study. The wife is a friend of mine who used to hostess a ladies’ Bible Study in her home 5 years ago when we first moved to Argentina. I knew she lived close to where we are meeting but never thought she would visit us this often. I was so happy when she and her husband came in for our first meeting. She was a real encouragement to me during those early days of learning the language and culture here in Argentina. I hope we are able to be a blessing to her and her husband as well.

27th Wedding Anniversary

Scott and I were married on Thanksgiving Day, November 28th, 1996. We have learned a lot during these past 27 years. We were both just a couple of young starry eyed kids when we first married. This year I reserved us a hotel in a town about a 30 minute drive from where we live. This is the first year that all our children have been old enough for us to leave them alone for a couple of nights. We enjoyed some quiet time away from all the distractions of kids and life. It was a good time of rest, relaxation, and reminiscing over the years we’ve been together. The kids did a good job taking care of each other while we were gone and even surprised us with a clean house when we got back.

End of Year Concerts

At the end of November we had a few recitals and concerts to mark the closing of the academic year here in Argentina. We have only one more recital and concert to go in December but the majority of the classes have ended now. The children have really grown so much this year not only physically but academically as well. We are looking forward to seeing how the Lord uses our children’s musical talents now and in the future. 

Bonus Pictures

November 2023

September 2023 Report

Getting the building inspected

One of the things that we needed before having people at our meeting place was to have the building inspected to give us a maximum number of occupants in the building. One of our guarantors who also works for the city in a different neighborhood graciously offered to go with us to help us get our appointment set up. It made us feel a little better that we were not the only ones that had difficulty trying to get something like this accomplished as our Argentine friend had a lot of trouble getting somebody to understand what we were trying to do. The concept of a Baptist church is a very foreign one for many to understand. In their world there is the Catholic church and everything else. The idea that each church is independent, autonomous and local with no hierarchy or headquarters, does not seem to compute. We were successful getting an appointment for the middle of the month. The lady that was assigned to us turned out being a woman pastor that would inspect our building on the agreed upon day. We were not sure what kind of reception we would get on that day since our doctrine does not support both the supernatural gifts in 1Corinthians 12 or the idea of women pastors. As it turned out, however, on the day of our appointment to pick her up and bring her to our meeting place, she forgot that she had a doctors appointment for that morning and had to send her assistant in her stead.

We had a great time visiting with him! The inspection took all of about 10 minutes and the next hour was pleasant conversation at our building over a cup of coffee. He had worked for several years working with companies helping them soundproof and sound-deadening their environments and gave us many professional suggestions and approved the work that we had done already to the building! During the rest of the month we have been following his advice and working each week to improve the acoustics of the building where we will not be disturbing the neighbors.

Insurance set up

Toward the end of the month I received a call saying that our insurance policy for the meeting place has been set up and is in effect! There are still several more pieces to the puzzle that need to be finished but they are getting accomplished one after the other.

Curtains have been ordered!

One of the things that we are still needing for the sanctuary are curtains. The front of the building facing the road is glass and one other side is also glass. Currently there is a lot of echo in the main room which the heavy drapes will help immensely. They are scheduled to be finished and installed before the end of October.

Meeting on Sunday nights!

We have already been meeting in the back room each Sunday evening and are planning on having our first advertised meeting to be on the first Sunday of November in the main room. On our first meetings in the back we started off with just singing and then slowly added guitar, keeping everything simple. When we have our first full meeting in November, we plan on having full instrumentation. So far we have only had positive feedback from neighbors and people that we have invited. Pray that the Lord continues to give us wisdom!

~Thoughts from Stacie~

Renting a Place to Meet

I took a break from writing my part of the report last month. We needed to get the report out and I felt like our new meeting location was really the highlight of the month. There is so much that goes into renting even a simple storefront to meet in. I’m sure it’s a lot of work in any country but imagine adding on top of the normal stuff having to read over contracts and such in another language. Then once we finally agreed to the contract we had to coordinate the signing of the contract before a notary. There were a lot of steps! Then after carrying a big bag of money to the realtor we were finally given the keys.

Cleaning and Furnishing the Rooms

After getting the keys the work had just begun. We still needed to clean and furnish the office and the main room. The first part we set up was Scott’s office space. We added a desk, bookshelf, and chairs to the back room as well as a hot/cold water dispenser. We also bought 20 black padded chairs for the main room. While we don’t expect to have that many people to start with, we want to be ready for our first official meeting.

Sunday Nights

As part of our getting ready to meet we started meeting in the office room as a family. Even though we could have our normal Sunday evening Bible Study in our home we decided that taking the children to our location to have our Bible Study would first get us all used to going to a physical place. It also slowly gets the neighbors used to the idea of music on Sunday nights. So far we have only had one guitar along with our singing but we soon plan to add other instruments.

Naming our Bible Study

Our plans are to eventually have people wanting to be baptized and start a scriptural New Testament Church. In the meantime we are starting by offering a Bible Study in the neighborhood. As a family we discussed possible names for our Bible Study so that we can put the name on a sign and on our handouts. Hannah shared a Bible verse in Proverbs 14:26, “In the fear of the Lord is strong Confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge.” In Spanish where it says “Strong Confidence” it words it “La Fuerte Confianza” which means “The Strong Confidence”. We decided that would make a good name for a Bible Study. Our logo on our sign and on our handouts will be entitled “Estudio Bíblico La Fuerte Confianza” “Strong Confidence Bible Study”.

Getting the Girls’ Ears Pierced

On another note the three girls have been wanting their ears pierced for a long time. We agreed to them having them pierced this year. The hard part was finding a place to get the piercings done. Here in Argentine parents usually have their baby girls ears pierced shortly after birth. I wasn’t too keen on taking our daughters to any old tattoo parlor to get their ears pierced. After putting the task off for quite a few months I finally asked our violin teacher who has several piercings where she would recommend I take the girls. She gave me the information of a friend that did piercings in a nice clean professional environment. The girls are so excited about their new earrings.

Elisabeth Levels Up in Violin Class

Another event that happened this month was Elisabeth was given the opportunity to play in a recital for passing to the next level. She had to play three songs by memory from Suzuki Book 1 in order to officially move on to book 2. She passed that level and will soon be joining the Level 2 group.

Taking Elijah to the Gym

I’ve been taking Hannah and Jonathan to the gym for a couple of months. We decided that Elijah was old enough to go with and the exercise would be good for him. I believe his favorite equipment at the gym is the treadmill but he also enjoys trying out all the machines. We started out with Hannah and Jonathan partnering up since they know the machines pretty well and I helped Elijah learn how to use the machines and made sure he didn’t go too heavy on the weights.

Homeschool Co-op/ Air Show Field Trip

We had our homeschool Co-op at the end of the September. After the usual classes we drove to a private air field where they were having an air show. We enjoyed watching the different events.

Templo Bautista

On Sunday mornings we have been visiting an Independent Baptist Church located north of Cordoba. They have welcomed our children as part of the youth and allowed our family to take part in their music ministry. When we needed guarantors for our new meeting place three of their members volunteered to help us. They have really been a huge blessing and encouragement to us. One of the Sundays this month their pastor invited Scott to preach on honoring God as a family.

Bonus Pictures

The first Spanish Bible was finished on September 28, 1569 During the month of September we were able to purchase several Bibles at discount to be able to give to people that come to the services!

A scenic view of the City of Cordoba taken at the mall where we were shopping for a new washer.

Our old washing machine quit working so we bought a new larger capacity Washer/Dryer combo.

Hannah, Jonathan, and Elijah performed in a concert in September

September 2023 Report

August 2023 Report

Renting and Furnishing a Meeting Place

Legal negotiation roller-coaster!

Until we get the legal permit for public meetings, we have been meeting in the office section each week for a time of prayer and reflection in the Word of God.

Renting a place in Argentina is a very involved process.  While some laws here, such as traffic laws, don’t seem to have anyone following the rules, other things are meticulously followed.  It took about three weeks of going back and forth with the realtors and owner to come to a rental contract that we all could agree on.  Many times living in a foreign country is like riding a roller-coaster in the dark; you are never quite sure what will be around the next corner.

We were able to get everything sorted out and on the 16th of August we set up a time to hand over a briefcase full of money!  We now have the building paid for the next three years and are just waiting on the city office to inspect the building to give us the document that we need for insurance stating our maximum capacity.  We have already been enjoying the use of the building.  I have my office almost completely set up and just took delivery of 20 new strong cushioned chairs for the sanctuary.  During the next three years that we have this location we would like to be saving up in the mission account in order to purchase a permanent place.  The Lord knows and is already working!

My office is set up to be both an inviting place to meet with people, teach a class, record a video lesson, audio message or just read the Good Book!

Meeting neighbors next to the meeting place

We have already had opportunities to talk to several people in the neighborhood.  There has been a lot of curiosity about us and what we are working on.  So far, the responses have been very favorable to us beginning a Bible study in this location.  One lady that owns a business next to our place, told me that she had been away from the Lord, but has been wanting to get back to serving the Lord.  We ended up staying for about an hour and a half visiting.  One person saw me bringing chairs in and thought that I might be going into business selling furniture.  LOL  I had an opportunity to share what we were really doing and tell him about Jesus. 

~Thoughts from Stacie~

We have been so busy this month with preparing the new location that I decided to take a short break from writing my page of the report. But don’t worry “Thoughts from Stacie” will be back with even more things to talk about next month. 

Bonus Pictures

So thankful for my family!

One of the things that I wanted for my office was a giant sized whiteboard!

Fire extinguisher and First aid kit for the building!

I had asked some of our friends here to recommend a plant that I couldn’t kill for my office!

Water cooler and pantry for the meeting place!

Getting little details fixed!

Teaching a watercolor painting class for the Homeschool Coop.

August 2023

June 2023

God is so good!

Finished renewing our immigration paperwork for another year!

The kids have learned to make the best of our time waiting in line at the immigration office!

After several trips and visits to immigration we got our temporary residency for another year.  We will need to do this for three years before we are able to transfer our status to permanent.  We almost didn’t recognize the place since they had painted their office.

Hymn Books and Gospels

We are very thankful to our sending church for shipping out a large box of John and Romans and some English hymn books!  When we have a Bible study with Argentines we always sing in Spanish but when my family is having private devotionals together we like to sing in English as well.  Before today we did not have enough English hymn books to share, but now we do!  Thank you to our pastor and a special thank you to Victory MBC in Russelville Arkansas for hand delivering them down to us in Argentina!  In addition to several gospels of John and Romans, we also ordered several full Bibles and soul winner’s New Testaments.

I am probably more excited than an individual ought to be but have great plans to wear out this little soul winner’s New Testament pictured above!  It is much smaller and lighter than my regular Bible and able to be carried more places.

The picture shows the John and Romans booklets.  They were some of the leftovers from the Birmingham, Alabama outreach.  All that we need to do is change out the covers!

Building relationships in order to share Christ

A special thank you to brother Lance and brother Kevin for dedicating their time to come and bless us!

In the picture above you can see standing next to me, one of the guys from the music class on Thursday.  The kids also have several friends at band that they are trying to win to the Lord.  Please pray for the seeds that we are sowing.  Please pray for this man and several others like him with whom myself and my kids are speaking to during the week.

Great visit at the end of the month

Translating the message and Sunday School for our guests from the US

In this picture and one above are the two members from Victory in Russelville, Arkansas that were sent to visit and fellowship with us at the end of the month.  Words cannot fully express what their visit meant to us!  We had a great time showing them the city of Cordoba and some of its 1.5 million people. There is so much work to be done here and so many people that need the Lord! 

They asked us the question, “what are your greatest needs that we can help with?”  I told them that our greatest physical need right now is a place to meet that we can purchase and have as a fixed location.  Any special offerings could be designated as “meeting place”.  We are open to God’s plan as to where He would have us to have fixed services.  While our guests were with us, we showed them about 10 different locations that we would love to see a scriptural church!

~Thoughts from Stacie~

Conversation Starters

Sometimes we can use our hobbies as great conversation starters. I usually don’t even have to say much. I just pull out whatever crochet project I’m working on and people start asking me questions. Scott has had this same response to his leatherwork as well. One conversation leads to the conversation about where we are from and why we are here. I am currently working on a temperature blanket. I’m considering other projects to start just for the conversations I can have with people, so stayed tuned.

Homeschool Continues

No summer break for our kids in June since it is the middle of the school year here. It is easier to keep our homeschool schedule in line with their Argentine friends. The kids enjoy their co-op classes and we’ve been working hard on math and reading. They’ve been growing and learning a lot. Although it was strange to see so many U.S. friends graduating while schools are still in session here.

The kids finished another semester of classes at our Homeschool Coop

Gym Membership

Hannah and Jonathan wanted to join a gym here in Argentina. They are very interested in health and fitness. They said they wanted some experience with gyms before one day returning to the states and being clueless. I’m not about to let my babies join a gym without adult supervision so I agreed to join the gym with them. This not only helps them to have experience in a gym but also motivates me to get more exercise as well.

Women’s Retreat

Also in June, Hannah and I attended a Women’s Retreat with the ladies of Templo Bautista. I was blessed with the opportunity to bring a devotional the first night. We had a lot of fun and enjoyed some great fellowship with the other ladies.

Retreats like this one are a great way to immerse in the culture, use our Spanish, and to make friends with other ladies. The more we learn at these retreats, the better prepared we will be when the Lord opens the doors for us to possibly host a retreat of our own someday.

Opportunities through Music

We have had some great opportunities musically. Scott and the children have been building relationships with other band members. The kids invited a lot of the young people they are friends with to a Youth Night at Templo. One of the goals of our children and other christian friends they have in the band is to win the lost ones to Jesus.

Bible Memorization in Spanish

Templo Bautista where we’ve been attending on Sunday Mornings encourages the youth and adults to memorize scriptures. Each month the children go to the front of the church to quote verses they learned with their classes.

Joshua’s Birthday

Our eldest son, Joshua, turned 25 this past month. We enjoy getting to call and talk to him and our daughter Ruth through a video call. They were celebrating his birthday at my parents house. We don’t hear from him often but it was nice to see his face and hear some of the plans he has been making for the future.

Preparing for Guests from the U.S.

Through the month of June we anticipated a visit a couple of members from Victory Baptist Church in Russelville, Arkansas. Joanna kept telling me throughout the month that she was nervous of their visit because she didn’t know who they were. I assured her they would be nice. The kids were all a bit shy the first day they arrived but warmed up to them quickly. It was like having family visit.

They engaged the kids in great conversations and even let Joanna teach them how to play a hand clapping game “Miss Mary Mack”. We took them all over the city and shared with them the blessings and challenges we’ve had here in Argentina. We truly enjoyed their visit. The children all expressed how sad they were to see them leave.

Messed Up Side Walks

Well we didn’t have a camera ready to get a good picture of my ungraceful fall one day earlier in the month as we were hurrying to music practice. When I am in a hurry and have my hands full “little” things like unexpected holes in the sidewalk will trip me up. It brought back memories of our first year here and the fall I had in 2018. Thankfully I am stronger now and I was only a little bruised up this time.

Bonus Pictures

First time to find a jalapeño in Argentina!

The boys decided to have a pepper eating contest!

We had a lot of fun making an “asado” for our guests.  An asado is an Argentine Barbecue!

First fire of the year in the fireplace.  The weather has begun to drop as we move closer to winter!

June 2023 Report

May 2023 Report

Did a month go by already?

Preparing for group coming to visit us!

Stacie and I created a travel guide filled with interesting information and tips for groups or individuals who may decide to come visit us here in Cordoba, Argentina. (Click on the Picture to view the PDF of the flyer.)

We are excited about having a couple of members from Victory MBC in Russelville, AR come to visit us at the end of June.  Their church made an initiative to send their members to visit all of the mission points that they support.  What a great way to personally take part in the great commission for a local New Testament church! 

Goodbye to Gluttony

About a month ago, my wife and I radically tried something new on our diet to try to take better control of our health to fix current challenges and prevent future problems.  For over a month we have cut out almost all carbs and changed our meal times to two meals per day: one meal around noon and another about 7:00 PM.  (The kids are still eating normal food and normal mealtimes.)  So far we have been feeling amazing and have really enjoyed the results.  Health is not everything that the world thinks that it is. This world worships the body and health as did the ancient Greeks, but God would have us to maintain the bodies that he gave us so that we can work better for Him!  This paragraph is not a judgment upon anybody else’s food struggles we are just sharing some of our own.

Renewing our Visa

We have begun the long process again of getting our yearly immigrations requirements finished.  There was an Argentine pastor that just took his yearly trip to Buenos Aires to handle his and told us how much faster it is to go in person.  With that in mind I took my son, Jonathan, and we determined that we would get a cheap ticket to BA and back and try to get it finished.  We were impressed with the giant building where the “Minister of the Cults” had his office.  The secretary told us however that we were in the wrong place. 

She said that the office for “non Catholic” churches was across the street.  We found the little tiny worn out office and was told that we could only do the renewal process online.  They were friendly at least!  That same day we tried to recover my wife’s package that we talked about last month.  We were unsuccessful even though we spent half the day trying.  The trip wasn’t a complete loss however as we had brought a suitcase full of gospel booklets and came back empty after talking with several individuals. I also had a great time with my son at the same time. We have filed our papers and are waiting to get a reply back from the minister of the cults…  Update: As we were preparing this report we got our signed letter back!  On to the next step!
(I think that the other pastor could renew in person because he was Argentine and not doing it for visa renewal.)  All is in God’s hands and we are thankful for the many people that we were able to talk to during our couple days there!

Lizard People?

While sharing the gospel in Buenos Aires, I found a very talkative gentleman that had lots of questions about the Bible.  In Argentina as in the US there are several people that watch too many Youtube conspiracy videos and read the books that they put out.  In his view, all of the world rulers were Jewish, Illuminati Lizard people.  Reading books is good and I read very wide, but make sure that you don’t put more weight in man’s books than in “The Book”!

“The pope used to pass by here.”

As we were in Buenos Aires, we stopped into a barber shop to get my hair cut. (Long overdue as my normal barber quit.)  Barber shops are great places to share the gospel (even if they do have a strait razor to your throat) and soon we were in a great conversation about Jesus.  He had asked me at one point what I thought of the current Pope Francis.  I told him that I had never met the man personally.  He told me that before he was pope, he used to pass by his barbershop, walking, but then added that he never did get a haircut from him.The pope used to pass by here.”

“I read the whole book.”

There is a young man that is a member of Templo Bautista that recently surrendered to the ministry.  He told me the other day that he read our gospel booklet cover to cover and listened to several of the messages that the QR codes go to.  In the gospel books there are resources on two main themes: Salvation and Christian obligation (what to do after you’re saved)  Our gospel booklet covers all of our doctrinal statements!  Pray for this young man in his ministry.

Please continue to pray that God would provide in His time, the perfect place to meet!

Thank you for your prayers and support!

~Thoughts from Stacie~

What do the Kids think about our new diet?

Since Scott already talked about how we’ve changed our way of eating for our health’s sake, I thought I would just share how this affects the rest of the family. The children are still eating basically the same although we have included more vegetables in their diet as well. For instance if we have a salad for a meal we make sure to prepare enough for them to have some as a side dish to whatever they are eating.

Several times they mentioned how much easier it has been for them to figure out what to eat since whatever has bread or rice in or on it is theirs. They also don’t have to worry about saving food for us as we fix our own separate meal each day before they fix their lunch. The kids are happy and have been learning more about health and fitness. Our eating better actually helps them make better choices as well. We also started providing more fruits and vegetables for the kids and save the ice cream and cookies for special occasions.

Hannah’s Doctors Visits

Hannah had a couple of doctor visits this month. The medical doctor we went to told us that some people are more sensitive to certain changes like standing up too fast or overheating. He said all of her lab work and everything else looks normal but she needs to make sure she doesn’t skip meals and to not stand up too fast from a sitting position. There are a couple of more tests on her heart that we are going to have done just to be completely sure but it looks like she’s fine and just needs to watch out for the activities that trigger these spells she’s had. The doctor also gave her a letter of health saying she was able to participate in any athletic activities at the gym. She and Jonathan are both wanting to start exercising more. I plan to go with them when they do start going to the gym to make sure they don’t overdo and hurt themselves.

Mother’s Day

Here in Argentina Mother’s Day is celebrated in October. But since we are from the United States we celebrate both the U.S. Mother’s Day and Argentine. I had a good day. We spent the day at home listening to the Mother’s Day sermons online. I also took Scott and Jonathan to the airport that morning which is why I decided we would stay home instead of our normal Sunday morning routine.

Scott and Jonathan Travel to Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires is such a big, busy place. If you read our report from last month you will see that Hannah and I went to Buenos Aires the previous month to try to get a package that was stuck there in customs. Scott talks about his experience there on his page. I haven’t completely given up on that package. It’s not going anywhere I just need to keep bugging them to get it out of customs.

Fall Concerts and Recitals

We have come to the end of fall and we enjoyed getting to hear the kids perform in fall concerts. Jonathan had his concert towards the beginning of May. Hannah and Elijah had a recital in the middle of the month. Then Elisabeth and Joanna ended the month with their violin concert. They are all doing so well at their instruments. It’s fun to watch them grow and learn.

Joanna’s First Lost Tooth

Our youngest daughter Joanna had her first loose tooth. Here in Argentina instead of a tooth fairy they have a mouse called “Raton Perez” that comes and takes the teeth from under pillows. However I found it much easier to just skip the middle fairy (or mouse) and just give my kids their money immediately. I know it’s not traditional but it saves me from forgetting about it.

Homeschool Co-op Field Trip

The last Friday of each month we get together with other Homeschool families. The parents take turns teaching classes for the children and then afterwards we eat lunch together and sometimes we go on a field trip together. This year we went to an outdoor park that used to be a zoo. When it was a zoo it was sadly run down and the animals weren’t well cared for. The government had the location completely renovated. We visited it with the other homeschool families in the co-op. It was set up like a zoo but without the animals just pictures and videos. The kids did enjoy spending time with their friends at least.

Elisabeth’s Birthday

Elisabeth turned 11 years old this past month. She had a great day filled with eating out, playing games at an arcade, and ice cream. We also went to a nearby town to watch Hannah’s clarinet teacher perform in a concert at a museum. When we arrived back home Elisabeth opened her presents and we watched a movie. She seemed to really enjoy her day.

Bonus Pictures

This store in the neighborhood where we live advertises that they sell idols that don’t break!  At the bottom it says that they are ideal so that your kids can know who Jesus is.  

As you can see there is a lot of work to do here and the challenges are great!  Pray that we might reach the people where they are and help them to know that you don’t connect to Jesus through an image!

In front of the “casa rosada”, the equivalent of our “white house”, some people have built a shack in protest demanding an audience with the president! 

The sign says that they have been there for two years and three months!

Joanna made a life size “Elsa” out of a “Frozen” popcorn bucket.  Something like this standing in the living room can really startle a person in the morning!

May 2023

April 2023 Report

Packages, the mail, flat tire, sharing the gospel and doctor visits

Packages and the Argentine mail

Card and church bulletin that we received from White Oak Baptist Church in Nancy, KY

Thank you for your prayers!

Mail in Argentina is a crazy thing!  Some items will come through with no problems while other things get stuck in customs or some other unknown place.  During the month we received a card and church bulletin from White Oak in Nancy, KY.  Words can not express what this meant to me.  The card was great, but it was the inclusion of the church bulletin that really affected my heart!  Someone thought to include us by adding the bulletin.  It is hard to explain in words what it meant to me personally.  Thank you for sharing your Sunday service with us!    

On another occasion we received a package for my wife from the “Missionary Wives Assistance Corps” head up by sister Toni Shockey.  Even though it took my wife about 5 trips to be able to pick up the package, it was a great blessing to get the package in the mail.       

There is still another package downtown that we have not been able to retrieve.  After we received a notice under our door, I took a trip down to the center the next day to try to retrieve it, when they told me to come back as the delivery man still had it.  I came back again the next day with the same advice given to me.  A few days later I came back and was told that I needed to declare the total value of the contents and pay the customs.  As I had no clue as to the contents or the sender, the agent apparently made up a number and told me to create an online account, fill out the information and pay the fee online. (“There is no option now to pay the fee in cash”, he said in Spanish.)  In the post office I created an account on my phone, filled in the information and tried to pay, and then tried to pay again, and again.  He could not explain why the payment just said that it was in transit, but told me that when it was paid, then the package would be released for pickup.  A few days later we tried again from the computer with different browsers but with the same errors.  Not sure where we will go next on that process.     

My wife will share on the next page another package experience that involved even more!  
We are very thankful for everything that has been sent but please contact us before sending a package especially something that is valuable or irreplaceable!

Flat tire and sharing the gospel

We took a trip one weekend to a neighboring town to meet people, change the scenery and pass out gospel booklets in that town.  While we were there we had a flat tire that we had to have repaired.  Due to the need for repairing the tire, it required two special trips to get the tire fixed.  On both occasions, God gave me an opportunity to share the gospel with lost sinners in need of salvation that is only in Christ Jesus!

Several doctor visits

Hannah scared us one day when she wasn’t feeling well. It started with her having an upset stomach and then her hands and arms cramped followed by a slight cramping in her legs. It took a good bit for the cramping to loosen up. She’s fainted in the past when she was dehydrated or overheated but this time was different so we took her immediately to the hospital. The doctors ran quite a few tests and found her healthy but recommended she see a couple of specialists. The general consensus is that she probably went too long between meals and needs to be careful to eat and drink enough. She’s been doing a lot better since she’s been taking better care of herself. We will update in our next report on the outcome of her visits with the specialists.

Please continue to pray that God would provide in His time, the perfect place to meet!

Thank you for your prayers and support!

~Thoughts from Stacie~

Troubles with Customs

Way back before Scott had his short trip to the States, I ordered some tea and a few other items from a reputable company that said it delivered to Argentina. I realized shipping would be expensive and I would most likely have to pay customs on the items since but I thought since I was using a delivery company it would at least arrive in my town and I could deal with customs here. I watched the tracking and saw it arrived at the delivery company in Buenos Aires but got stuck in customs. So they cannot deliver it to Cordoba. I could either abandon the package or go to Buenos Aires directly. Well, I’m a little too stubborn to just abandon the package that easily.

Trip to Buenos Aires

We had too much going on with our schedule for a family trip so I decided this would make a nice opportunity to go on a mother/daughter trip with Hannah. This will probably be Hannah’s last year here in Argentina and I thought we could make it a bit of a sight seeing adventure while also getting my package. We found a good price for two way plane tickets to BA and I made a 2 night reservation at the hotel there. We tried to get the package but there seems to be some kind of process the delivery company has to go through and I have to pay the customs fee all because I bought “too much” tea. If it had been a non-food item it would have been a simpler thing. Even though we weren’t able to bring home the package, we had fun sightseeing and it was nice having a stress free plane ride.

Easter Shopping

We have a tradition of buying new dress clothes to wear for Easter Sunday. After Hannah and I got back to Cordoba from our short trip, we decided to divide and conquer. Scott took the boys suit shopping and I took the girls dress shopping. We had to go to different stores because there really isn’t one store that sells it all. We found Hannah’s skirt and blouse at one store, and then Joanna’s and Elisabeth’s dresses at another store.

Scott found the boys suits and him a new suit coat at another store. Then finally I went out and found myself a new black dress. We would normally do more pastels for Easter but since Easter is in the fall here we went for more fall/winter colors since we’re going into winter.

Hannah’s Scare

The day after we went shopping Hannah woke up with her stomach feeling funny. The evening before we had soup for supper. She didn’t feel well so she was afraid to eat but she drank quite a bit of water because she has had problems passing out from not drinking enough and standing up too fast. She threw up a little but hadn’t eaten breakfast so we thought she should try some crackers and see if that would help her stomach.

As she went to pick up a cracker her hand started cramping followed by the other hand. Then the cramping progressed up her arm. We weren’t sure what was going on but decided it was best to get her to the private hospital in our neighborhood. Scott went and got the car from the garage while I tried to calm her down. She was conscious the whole time so the doctors don’t believe it was a seizure. All of the tests they ran on her heart and all came back normal so they think this happened because she went too long without eating. They are probably right but to be on the safe side we decided to go ahead and make the appointments with the specialist and other doctors. We’ll update next month on how those tests go. 

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday we attended the services of Templo Bautista. It was nice having new clothes to wear to church. We don’t buy dress clothes often but this time of year is a good time to do so. The venders understand a little better when you’re shopping is “extravagant” for a special occasion.

Weekend Get-a-way

We feel a lot of stress sometimes as missionaries. I think Scott and I feel it more than the children. There are certain “symptoms” that come on us emotionally that we have to catch. When the signs of stress start showing Scott and I talk about where we need to go and start planning a weekend away from our norm to reset. Only a couple of nights away somehow puts us back into a better state of mind and encourages us as we move forward with what God has for us here. It also gives us opportunities to meet people outside of town and share the gospel with them. There is always the possibility that the Lord could open more doors outside our normal city life.

The Phone Call

While we were in another town we received a call from Malvinas Argentinas. Someone had an accident and they were needing money. Another problem we have as Americans is people seeing us as the solution to all their financial problems. The call greatly confused us as we still care about them however they had made it clear before that they had no desire to communicate with us at all. But thankfully we were out of town when they called so they would have to wait for us to get home the next day. That gave us time to think about how to handle the situation. They managed to resolve their financial problem within the family and we didn’t have to have the hard conversation that it looked like we were about to have.

Bonus Pictures

One of the normal strange sights that you will see in Cordoba, Argentina!

Thankful to be able to be a blessing to a sister here in Argentina by repairing and recovering her worn out hymnal!

A hymnal is something that is not easily replaceable as most hymnals in Argentina are spiral bound with only the words. They are not normally available for sale with the music included. To have her book brought to a better than new condition was something that she did not know was possible.

Enjoyed getting to preach to the men’s fellowship in Colombia by Zoom!

April 2023 Report PDF