January 2025 Report

Busy during the hot summer break

In Argentina, the seasons are opposite to what you have in the U.S.  For us it has been very hot and humid lately.  During December through January is the time that a lot of businesses close for the summer as they go other places in the country on vacation.  We are planning on trying to get a good break in during February, but so far we have remained pretty busy!  We  are very thankful for all of the great opportunities that the Lord gives us to reach out!

Backpack full of tracts

Brother Victor has the same heart for reaching out to those around us with the Gospel.  During the month, I had invited him to come with us to visit some of the neighboring towns and talk to people.  I had to smile because without asking him to, he, like myself had brought a whole backpack full of tracts to pass out as we met with people.  Pray for a homeless man that we met in the park that was very open to hearing the gospel.  Pray for him! His name is Matias and is struggling with addiction.  Brother Victor explained to me that some of the previous left wing government had a program to give out free drugs to people to reduce robbery.  Only Jesus can solve these problems!

Crazy electrical problems

One of the days this month we had a strong windstorm and since that moment our kitchen sink has been electrified at about 25 volts.  Another part of the kitchen was registering 70 volts and the stove 10.  We had the electrician come out to try to solve the problem.  He found an old wire that was electrified that was touching some of the old rusted out conduit.  He showed us what we could touch and not but we are still waiting to have the problem resolved.  We are hoping this Thursday or Friday that he will be out to get it straightened out.  Until then, we have been washing the dishes with either shoes and rubber gloves or just killing the power to the house.

Crazy car problems

Our car finally gave us the same error again.  We think that it might be an injector.  Not completely sure as where we normally take the car did not have enough diagnostic equipment to completely figure it out.  We are in the process of getting it fixed.  Car is still running fine, just not optimally.

Preparing for a harvest

As we prepare for everything to start back up in March, we have been putting a lot of material together that we will be able to use for teaching.  One of the things that the Lord has put on my wife’s heart is to reach out to people by offering an English class.  She has been going through an ESL teaching course.  She already has several ladies that are very excited about her offering this.

“Would you visit my sister?”

I received a message from our band teacher that his sister was in the hospital and wondered if we could go and visit her.  This is a huge step as we have been praying specifically for him for several years and seeking an open door to share the Lord with his family.  We have already had some great visits with his sister and plan on having several more.  She should be in this hospital for about a month.  Her name is Gloria.  Please pray for her!

Bonus Pictures

January 2025