Merry Christmas!

We thought that going into December would make things slow down a little bit. It has been a busy month! We would first like to say how very thankful we are for the Greatest Gift given to all of mankind, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! It is a great privilege not only to know Him but to be able to share His love with those around us as well.
Christmas concerts and outreach!

In December, we have had four different Christmas concerts in different locations with preaching the gospel and music. It was a great blessing to be able to put on a concert with invitations right in front of our meeting place. Through talking with people during this time, there was a lady that lives on the same block that expressed interest in coming to our Sunday service! Please pray for her. Her name is Rosalia.

After service fellowship
We have been enjoying fellowship time on Sunday evenings after our Bible Study. The men have been enjoying conversation over a game of chess while the ladies take that time to decorate and the kids play. It has been a great way of opening doors of conversation and encouraging the kids as well!

Ready for a new year

For many years my family takes a special opportunity at the end of each year to review again, our goals that we have made previously and plan for the next year. The three main categories that we plan are these: 1. Spiritual goals (how do I wish to grow spiritually this year) 2. Educational goals (what would I like to learn or learn to do this year that can be an avenue of growth and outreach) and 3. Physical goals (how can I better maintain the body that the Lord has given me in order to serve Him better and with more energy)

I know many who are opposed to the idea of goal setting for the new year because for many they are forgotten by the middle of January, but this practice has been a great blessing for me as well as my family in keeping God’s purpose always before us throughout the year. May you make great goals and plans this year with your family, just be willing to let God lead and change your plans for His! His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts than our thoughts!
Bonus Pictures