She that goeth forth and weepeth!

One of the ladies in our Wednesday night Bible study has been going up and down the streets in her neighborhood and inviting her neighbors. She would share with the people that she met, (bearing the precious seed), and weep and pray over the lost souls in her community! She truly has a heart like Jeremiah (Mine eye affecteth mine heart… Lm 3:51) It is a blessing to be able to encourage such people with the Word of God! After only three months of meeting we have been running 14 in attendance consistently. (Seven in my family and seven besides!)
May all of our hearts look to His promise and be soul winners!
She chose to be with us on Wednesday night!

Last month we shared about the lady that lived next door to the family where we are meeting and how the false prophets in the neighborhood had pressured her to not spend time with us since we we Baptists! We noticed that at one point in the month she stopped leaving in the middle of the service to appease the other pastor. She decided to spend the whole Wednesday service with us! Please pray for her as she has a lot of physical pain in her legs, especially now that the weather is so hot!
Bible Lesson for the kids!

Another thing that we did was to reorganize our Wednesday night meeting to have a short kid’s Bible lesson before the preaching. It is hard to describe the neighborhood where we are reaching out, but there are several kids that do not go to school and are not able to read that many times have never seen what a Biblical family is supposed to look like as they have never had it modeled for them in their homes! Please pray for the Lord to give us the wisdom and strength to reach out to win souls for Him!Another thing that we did was to reorganize our Wednesday night meeting to have a short kid’s Bible lesson before the preaching. It is hard to describe the neighborhood where we are reaching out, but there are several kids that do not go to school and are not able to read that many times have never seen what a Biblical family is supposed to look like as they have never had it modeled for them in their homes! Please pray for the Lord to give us the wisdom and strength to reach out to win souls for Him!
Thoughts from Stacie
Jonathan’s 15th Birthday

On the 4th of November we celebrated Jonathan’s Birthday. We surprised him by taking him and his siblings to the Super Park. The Super Park is a small local theme park with rides and activities for kids. It has been several years since we’ve been. They’ve all grown so much since our last visit there.
Women’s Conference

That following Saturday, November 5th, I took Hannah and two other ladies from our mission point in Malvinas Argentinas to a Ladies Bible Conference in the southern part of the city. We had a wonderful time of fellowship and encouragement.

Children’s Bible Lesson

Also this month I started teaching a children’s Bible Lesson on Wednesday nights when we have our worship and Bible Study services. There is a little boy named Samuel that has been coming to our Bible Studies with his mom. He is a little too independent four year old that has never been in any school setting and has never heard about Jesus and the Bible before coming to our meetings.

We all felt like we needed to do something special for him. It’s been a process teaching him to stay and listen to a lesson and to not run off with my illustrations. We are seeing progress with him though as we continue to show him the love of Christ.
Decorating for Christmas

It’s going into summer here as we approach the Christmas season. We had a cold front come through the Monday before Thanksgiving and so we decided that was the perfect day to put up the Christmas tree and stockings. It doesn’t change the temperature but having the Christmas lights glowing makes things feel a little more festive even as we enter the hot days of summer.
Thanksgiving Dinner with Friends

For Thanksgiving we were invited to the home of another missionary family in the country. We joined several other families. Argentina doesn’t exactly stop for Thanksgiving.

We managed to cook some good food to share at the Thanksgiving dinner and really enjoyed getting to spend time with other English speaking friends. After the dinner we surprised our children by taking them to hear a string quartet in concert.
Last Homeschool Co-op for this Year

Our last meeting with the other homeschoolers was held in a different location a little outside of the city. A family in the co-op owns some property with a camp style building that is used throughout the year for group events. They invited the group to their campground where there were rooms that we could teach our classes in. We all had good classes and enjoyed the fellowship afterwards. All the children were also given certificates for participating in the co-op.
End of Year Concert and Band Recital

The school year has been winding down as we approach the summer break. Yes, it still sounds strange to be approaching summer break in November. After four years here in Argentina we are finally starting to get used to the school year ending and vacations beginning in December.

Summer begins in December and ends in February. All the normal school activities and other classes will begin again in March. We are getting better at planning a vacation during this time of year. In July when the United States are in the middle of summer break, we will be experiencing a two week winter break.

Bonus Pictures