Not enough sleep
October has been a good month but a tough one. During the last month we really haven’t been getting enough sleep. Wednesday and Sunday services many times go late afterwards. We typically get home around 11 at night on those nights and have been starting early to get the time at the gym in before all of the other activities of the day and the week. I feel like we are doing better now but we still have the tendency to burn the candle, as they say, at both ends.
Extra night at Marcelo’s
Toward the end of the month, we had introduced an extra night on Monday evening at Marcelo’s, in order to work on the hymns for Wednesday. It gives us an opportunity for more contact and discipleship as well as time to teach some new songs for worship. Please pray for some of the new visitors that we have had on Wednesday night: Marcos, Ruth and Juan!
About to come to the end of the school year in Argentina
It is strange to think about from the US, but here October and November correspond to April and May in the US and all that it includes in the scholastic year. It is a very busy time of the year with very many activities going on at the same time. We are looking forward to December when a lot of the extra events and classes will close for Summer vacation!
Impossible, Difficult or Done?
Missionary Hudson Taylor (1832-1905) had said that there are three stages in the work of God: impossible, difficult and done. I feel like we have gotten past the feeling of impossible, Nothing is impossible for God. We live in the difficult stage and look forward to when the Master says “Well done thou good and faithful servant!”
One day, we desire to see Scriptural New Testament Churches planted here in this country, composed of saved, scripturally baptized believers that are congregational in their governance and that would freely associate together for the promotion of worldwide missions. I have faith that one day, should the Lord tarry, we might realize some of these and hopefully all of them! For now we will live day by day and share the gospel one person at a time if need be and patiently, lovingly teach that there is a better way, a Biblical way of doing things. May the Lord give strength and wisdom throughout the process. We would like you to know that your prayers matter! They matter to us and they matter to our Lord!